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Orthodox Jews facts

While investigating facts about Orthodox Jews, I found out little known, but curios details like:

There is a thin wire that circles Manhatten (and other cities) that permits Orthodox Jews to act as if they were inside their home for their day of rest.

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Some orthodox Jewish communities have volunteer ambulance services which survive solely on donations. They don't bill the patient for transporting them to the hospital, have a faster response time than most ambulance companies, and don't exclusively service Jews.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is jewish orthodox. Here are 27 of the best facts about Orthodox Jews I managed to collect.

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  1. The Nazi SS threatened to shoot the Archbishop of Greece for openly protesting againt the deportation of Jews. He reminded them that, “according to the traditions of the Greek Orthodox Church, our prelates are hung and not shot. Please respect our traditions!”

  2. Modern ovens have a safety override that allows them to run continuously rather than automatically shutting off. This feature is for Orthodox Jews observing Sabbath who aren't permitted to push buttons.

  3. Orthodox Jews are prohibited from walking past a motion sensor that will turn on a light on the Sabbath.

  4. Ultra-Orthodox Jews made up approximately 8% of Israel's population in 2005, but will make up 17% of the population in 2020, due to very high birth rates and religious retention rates

  5. Orthodox Jews participate in an annual chicken sacrifice, as atonement for their sins. In 2016, an estimated 50,000 chickens were sacrificed in Brooklyn alone.

  6. A group of Orthodox Jews in New Jersey joined their local school board and began redirecting funds from public schools to their childrens' yeshiva classes...despite their children not attending any of these public schools

  7. There is a subculture called Chabad Hipsters, the result of Orthodox Jews adopting contemporary Hipster subculture.

  8. Hebrew National isn't considered Kosher to Orthodox Jews. While the brand is synonymous with Kosher to non-Jews, the Orthodox community doesn't consider it Kosher. The issue comes down to a lack of trust in the company's Kosher certification provider.

  9. A group of Hasidic Orthodox Jews in New York have been systematically taking over public school boards and shutting down public schools to open private, Jewish schools in their place.

  10. All Hershey chocolate bars are approved by the Kashruth Division of the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America for consumption by observant Jews, with OU Kosher status.

orthodox jews facts
What is the orthodox jewish hat called?

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You can easily fact check why do jewish orthodox have curls by examining the linked well-known sources.

ZAKA are volunteer emergency response teams in Israel. Members are mostly Orthodox Jews. They collect body parts and blood for proper Jewish burials. Non-Jewish victim parts are also collected and returned to their families. They also help with the identification of victims.

Worcestershire sauce is not vegetarian or kosher as in contains anchovies. Orthodox Jews refrain from eating fish and meat in the same dish, so cannot use traditional Worcestershire sauce to flavor meat. - source

The Crown Heights Riot, a riot between African Americans and Orthodox Jews that occurred after a 7 year old boy was fatally struck by a car driven by an Orthodox Jew - source

The rapper Y-Love is Black, an Orthodox Jew (and a former Hasidic Jew), and gay.

Shabbos goy are a non-Jewish hired hand to help with normal day work on the Sabbath for an Orthodox Jew and possibly family, including opening all doors, filling out paperwork, or even taking someone to the hospital - source

When is the orthodox jewish sabbath?

A one-legged Orthodox Jew marched 50 miles from Selma to Montgomery in 1965 to support the Civil Rights Movement

How long does an orthodox jewish wedding last?

Orthodox Jews are forbidden from having sex on Christmas Eve.

"Kosher Phones" exist - these restricted phones have rabbinical approval for use in Israel and elsewhere by observant Orthodox Jews.

Orthodox Jews symbolically transfer their sins to a fowl via the ritual of Kapparot, performed before Yom Kippur

Orthodox Jews can't use electricity on Saturdays

Because of Napoleon's favourable treatment and tolerance of Jews, the Russian Orthodox Church formally condemned him as "Antichrist and the Enemy of God".

When is orthodox jewish passover?

There is a wire strung around Manhattan that creates an creates an invisible enclosure called an eruv that allows orthodox jews to do work on the Sabbath.

A when a Greek Orthodox priest was told by the Nazis to deliver a list of all 275 Jews in his community, he burned the list and gave them his name instead

Thousands of Jews were saved by the Greek Orthodox Church hierarchy due to a proclamation by Archbishop Damaskinos instructing the church to issue false baptismal certificates to all Jews who requested them

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Orthodox Jews. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Orthodox Jews so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor