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Older Sister facts

While investigating facts about Older Sister In Korean Language and Older Sister In Japanese Word, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Reggie Miller, NBA Hall of Famer, couldn't escape his older sister Cheryl's shadow while in high school. On January 26, 1982, he scored a career high 40 points. He tried bragging about it on the car ride home, only to find out Cheryl scored 105 points and broken 8 national records!

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The Titanic had an older sister ship called "Olympic", which became the only civilian ship to sink an enemy warship during WWI, when it turned around and rammed a German submarine attempting to attack it. The sub was gashed open by The Olympic's propellor.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's older sister in chinese. Here are 47 of the best facts about Older Sister In Mandarin and Older Sister Of The Bride Speech Samples I managed to collect.

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  1. In 2007, a twin brother was born at 1:32 AM, However, then Daylight Savings Time occurred. His twin sister who was then born at 1:06 AM, is considered 26 minutes older.

  2. Lisa Robin Kelly, who played Eric Foreman's older sister on That 70s Show, had a major drinking and drug problem. She was replaced on the show and eventually overdosed on drugs in rehab.

  3. Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, who died at the age of 101 in 2002, had an older sister, Violet, who sadly died at the age of eleven, eight years before the Queen Mother's own birth. Which means that one sister died in the 19th century while the other died in the 21st century.

  4. Mozart had an older sister who was also a child prodigy, considered one of the finest pianists in Europe until outshone by her younger brother

  5. Anne Frank's older sister, Margot also kept a diary, but no trace of it has ever been found.

  6. Trey Parker's father is a geologist named, Randy, his mother's name is Sharon, and has an older sister named Shelly.

  7. Prior to 2013, the first in line for the United Kingdom throne was the oldest son, even if he had an older sister. Now the heir is the eldest child, regardless of their gender.

  8. Mozart had an older sister who was also an excellent musician.

  9. Martin Luther King Jr's older sister Willie Christine King Farris is still living at the age of 88.

  10. Sigmund Freud was saved by Princess Marie Bonaparte (great-grandniece of Napoleon). After Freud's assets were frozen, the Princess provided the funds to allow Freud, his wife and one of his sisters to escape to London. His older 4 sister died in Nazi Concentration Camps

older sister facts
What older sisters are for?

Why older sisters are the best?

You can easily fact check why older sisters are so mean by examining the linked well-known sources.

Helen had one younger sister and two older stepbrothers.

Edgar Allan Poe had two siblings: an older brother William Henry Leonard Poe, and a younger sister Rosalie Poe.

Olaudah Equiano had six older siblings. When he was kidnapped the criminals also took his sister. They were separated and sold to different people.

He moved to Florida to be near his older sister, Mary and spent the last fourteen years of his life as a professor at the University of Miami, Coral Gables and Florida State University in Tallahassee, Florida.

To make ends meet Elizabeth and her older sisters, Anna and Marian opened a school, The Cincinnati English and French Academy for Young Ladies.

When your older sister is jealous of you?

Melania has a younger sister and an older half-brother that she reportedly hasn"t met.

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Nicolaus had three older siblings. His older brother was Andreas Copernicus, a canon. His sister Barbara was a Benedictine nun and a convent prioress before she died. His other sister Katharina married a Torun city councilor and had five children.

Coretta's older sister Edythe was one of the first African-American students to attend Antioch College. Coretta followed a few years afterwards.

The nickname Maya was given to her by her older brother Bailey Jr. Maya means "my sister".

The mother of author, boxer, soldier and adventurer Ernest Hemingway often made him wear dresses, play with dolls and china tea sets, so he could be a "twin" to his older sister

Maybelline was started when Williams noticed his older sister Mabel applying a mixture of Vaseline and coal dust to her eyelashes to give them a darker, fuller look.

Gift for older sister when baby is born?

Misogyny can develop early in a child's life for a variety of reasons. It can stem from trauma from a female figure such as a sister or mother or teacher or even a girlfriend if they are abusive. It can also be ingrained in a child by an older person that has influence in their life.

Actress Laila Morse, who plays Mo in the popular British soap opera 'EastEnders', is the older sister of Academy Award winning actor Gary Oldman. Her legal name is Maureen Oldman.

The Titanic's older sister ship, the Olympic, was sort of unsinkable; it crashed into a variety of things without sinking and was once used in WWI to ram and sink a German U-boat.

At age 37 Jack Nicholson found out that his older sister was actually his mother. By this time his supposed "parents", which were in fact his grandparents, were already dead.

J.D. Salinger had one sibling, an older sister Doris born in 1911.

How to be nice to your older sister?

Prince Charles met Lady Di while dating her older sister Sarah Spencer

Gertrude Baniszewski housed two girls for their parents, beat the kids, threw scalding hot water after calling them whores, murdered one; and when the girls asked their older sister for help, she thought they were making it all up.

Dav Pilkey has one sibling, an older sister named Cindy.

Nobel Peace Prize Winner and Myanmar Political Dissident Aung San Suu Kyi has an older brother, Aung San Oo. He supports Myanmar's military junta, is estranged from his sister, and in 2000 filed a lawsuit against her.

After losing his parents and sister in the Pan AM Flight 103 aircraft disaster at age 14, and the subsequent fall into addiction and death of his surviving older brother, Steven Flannigan died at the age of 26, having been hit by a train

My friends older sister left her account on my dads phone. I'm posted this and I trying to get views cause I think it would be funny

Alfie Allen (Theon)'s older sister Lily made a music video about him 10 years ago being a jobless cunt. Now, Alfie is waay more known than her.

Rosemary Kennedy, John F Kennedy's older sister was lobotomized at the age of 23. It failed and left her permanently incapacitated. Inspiring her sister Eunice Kennedy Shriver to launch the Special Olympics.

Krista Marie Yu who plays a high school exchange student on Last Man Standing is 30 years old. She is actually older than 2 of the 3 actors who play older-than-her sisters on the show - Kaitlyn Dever (22) and Molly McCook (28).

Morrissey's older sister Jackie tried to kill him on four separate occasions

Ursula Buffay, the sister of Phoebe Buffay from Friends and also played by Lisa Kudrow, originated from a slightly older NBC sitcom called Mad About You. Kudrow's casting in Friends inspired the producers to cross Ursula over to Friends.

As a child, Pop Star Whitney Houston was molested by her older female cousin, Dee Dee Warwick, sister of Dionne Warwick

The youngest mother recorded giving birth was 5 years old Lina Medina in Peru. Her son, Gerardo, did not discover that what he thought was his older sister was actually his mother until the age of 10.

Scarlett Johansson was in Home Alone 3 as the Older Sister of the main character

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Older Sister. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Older Sister so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor