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Ocean Eleven facts

While investigating facts about Ocean's Eleven and Ocean's Eleven 1960, I found out little known, but curios details like:

While filming 1960's Oceans Eleven, Sammy Davis Jr. had to stay at a colored only hotel. Frank Sinatra confronted the hotel owners on Davis' behalf, and they relented, helping to break down the color barrier in Las Vegas.

how ocean's eleven?

The first in the movie series for The Lord of the Rings, Shrek, The Fast and the Furious, Harry Potter, and Oceans Eleven all came out in 2001

What was the first ocean's eleven movie?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 10 of the best facts about Ocean's Eleven Full Movie and Ocean's Eleven Soundtrack I managed to collect.

what's ocean eleven?

  1. When the script for Oceans Eleven was sent to Julia Roberts by George Clooney, it included a $20 bill and a note stating "we hear you're getting 20 a picture now". It was a joke referencing Julia Roberts being the highest paid actress at the time, earning $20 million per film.

  2. Matt Damon co-starred in Ocean's Eleven, Ocean's Twelve, and Ocean's Thirteen, a film franchise that brought him much more recognition.

  3. Mark Wahlberg was cast in both Ocean's Eleven and Brokeback Mountain. He turned down both roles.

  4. The "Barney Rubble: trouble" joke from Ocean's Eleven was an example of "Cockney rhyming slang." Other examples include "lemon flavour: favour," "butcher's hook: look," and "apple and pears: stairs." Only lemon, butcher, and apple are spoken. For example: "he did me a lemon."

  5. George Clooney was paid more to make Ocean's Eleven (20 million) than his character earned from robbing casinos (12.3 million).

  6. While filming the movie Ocean's Eleven, George Clooney lost 25 straight hands of blackjack, got up, and never gambled again.

  7. Warner Bros. executives initially asked director Steven Soderbergh (Ocean's Eleven) to direct the thriller Insomnia. Soderbergh instead offered up the project to Christopher Nolan - when Warner Bros. rejected this, he produced the film with his own production company.

  8. The script of Ocean's Eleven was sent to Julia Roberts with a $20 bill and a note from George Clooney that said 'I hear you're getting 20 a picture now' as a joke referencing Roberts becoming the highest paid actress at $20 million/picture

ocean eleven facts
What are the best facts about Ocean Eleven?

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Ocean Eleven. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Ocean Eleven so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor