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Mound Fire facts

While investigating facts about Mound Fire Department and Mound Fire Department Fish Fry, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Joan Murray who survived an 80 mph skydiving fall, thanks to landing on a mound of fire ants, who's bites are believed to have given her a rush of adrenaline which kept her heart beating.

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Joan Murray survived a 14,500 ft fall when her main parachute failed while skydiving. She landed in a fire ant mound. Numerous venomous stings caused an adrenaline rush to keep her heart beating long enough for doctors to assist.

What is a mound fire?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what time does grand mound fireworks start. Here are 18 of the best facts about Mound Fire Dept and Mound Fireworks I managed to collect.

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  1. In 1999, skydiver Joan Murray’s parachute malfunctioned, causing her to fall from 14,500 feet onto a mound of fire ants. The shock from being stung over 200 times by the ants released a surge of adrenaline which kept her heart beating, and allowed her to survive.

  2. When skydiver Joan Murray's parachute failed, she approached the ground at 80 miles (128km) per hour, landing on a mound of fire ants. The shock from being stung over 200 times by the ants released a surge of adrenaline which kept her heart beating, and allowed her to survive.

  3. In 1999, a woman survived a 14,500 foot fall after her parachute didn't deploy while skydiving. She landed on a mound of fire ants and was stung several hundred times, giving her an adrenaline rush to keep her heart beating.

  4. Baseball Hall of Fame pitcher Rube Waddell would often be distracted by shiny things, puppies, and balloons while on the mound. He once ran off the field to chase a fire truck on the way to a fire.

  5. A woman survived a 14,500 foot fall while skydiving. Her parachute failed to deploy, and she landed on a mound of fire ants. After being stung 100+ times, the adrenaline rush was enough to keep her heart beating.

  6. Vikings did not bury their prominent dead. They sent them off in a boat, often surrounded by valuables and even slaves that had been sacrificed. Sometimes they lit the boats on fire. Other times they buried the boats in large mounds of dirt.

  7. Legendary Hall of Fame baseball pitcher Rube Waddell may have suffered from severe ADHD: he would leave the mound to watch fire trucks, and opposing fans brought puppies and shiny objects to distract him

mound fire facts
What are the best facts about Mound Fire?

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A woman survived a 14,500 foot fall while skydiving. Her parachute failed to deploy, and she landed on a mound of fire ants. After being stung 100+ times, the adrenaline rush was enough to keep her heart beating.

Joan Murray survived a 14,500 foot drop after her main parachute didn't deploy hitting the ground traveling at 81 miles per hour (130km/h). Drs believe after landing on a fire ant mound snd being stung over 200 times her body released a surge of adrenaline keeping her alive. - source

About Joan Murray, a skydiver whose chute failed and hit the ground at roughly 80 MPH, crushing her right side. She landed on a fire-ant mound and the subsequent 200+ bites are believed to have put her body into adrenaline shock which kept her alive long enough to reach the hospital. - source

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When skydiver Joan Murray's parachute failed, she approached the ground at 80 miles (128km) per hour, landing on a mound of fire ants. The shock from being stung over 200 times by the ants released a surge of adrenaline which kept her heart beating, and allowed her to survive.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Mound Fire. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Mound Fire so important!

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