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Marine Biologist facts

While investigating facts about Marine Biologist Salary and Marine Biologist Jobs, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Since sound can travel through water better than it can air, the potential number of decibels is greatly increased. LFA Sonar used by ships and submarines is the loudest man made noise, reaching 200+ decibels. Marine biologists believe that sea creatures may beach themselves to escape the noise.

how to become a marine biologist?

Marine biologists are claiming there is a rare instance of non-human warfare happening between octopuses in the waters off the coast of Australia. The octopuses are fighting in large groups over territory and even using projectiles such as seashells to spit at enemies.

What marine biologist does?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what marine biologist studies. Here are 34 of the best facts about Marine Biologist Degree and Marine Biologist Salary Uk I managed to collect.

what marine biologist do?

  1. The Japanese emperor Hirohito, who ruled during World War 2, was a passionate marine biologist and had published many papers on the topic and even discovered several new species of Hydrozoa

  2. The final scene in the Seinfeld episode "The Marine Biologist" was written in front of the live studio audience minutes before taping it. The take used in production was the first take that they shot.

  3. Katsuma Dan, a Japanese marine biologist who studied in the US before WW2 and who saved his marine lab with a note to advancing American forces asking to preserve his scientific work. (note in comments)

  4. Marine biologists were on a nighttime dive searching for biofluorescent sea creatures in the coral reefs near the Solomon Islands when a hawksbill sea turtle glided in front of their cameras. The turtle was glowing green and red – the first biofluorescent reptile ever encountered in the wild.

  5. The creator of Spongebob was an actual marine biologist

  6. Former Japanese Emperor Akihito is a well-versed marine biologist, focusing studies on ichthyology, or fish studies. Aside from his scientific papers on the Japanese Journal of Ichthyology, he has also published articles on the history of science from the Edo and Meiji eras.

  7. Geoffrey Tandy, a marine biologist who specialised in cryptogams (algae, moss, etc.), was recruited to a secret British codebreaking organization during WWII because the Ministry of Defence confused “cryptogamist” with “cryptogramist.” Tandy ended up helping to crack the Enigma code anyway.

  8. Japanese emperor Hirohito was an accomplished marine biologist who had several books published post-war and had his on laboratory built in the grounds of the Imperial Palace

  9. John Steinbeck collaborated with a marine biologist in Mexico and subsequently wrote the book Sea of Cortez which was published in 1941.

  10. The second living species of coelacanth was discovered by a marine biologist on honeymoon in an Indonesian fish market.

marine biologist facts
What does a marine biologist do?

Why did jotaro become a marine biologist?

You can easily fact check why is jotaro a marine biologist by examining the linked well-known sources.

Ocean Ramsy marine biologist swims with great white sharks to prove they aren't as dangerous as people falsely believe

Aquaman actor, Jason Momoa, started college as a marine biologist major. - source

A German marine biologist has developed and patented a way to produce entirely humanely extracted and sustainable caviar that currently many of the Michelin star chefs are tasting and raving about. No kill caviar that apparently tastes delicious. - source

Many of the trainers at parks such as SeaWorld do not have training as marine biologists and are only there to rain the wildlife and put on a show.

In a very rare attack, a 28-yr old British Marine Biologist was dragged underwater and drowned by a leopard seal. - source

What do you do when you are a marine biologist?

While snorkeling off the coast of Sicily in search of seafood, Anthony Bourdain saw a half-frozen octopus splash into the water near him. His host was dropping fish in the seabed for him to “discover” on camera. Bourdain said, “I’m no marine biologist, but I know a dead octopus when I see one.”

How much does a marine biologist make?

SpongeBob SquarePants was created by a marine biologist

Hirohito wanted to be a marine biologist

The creator of SpongeBob SquarePants was a marine biologist and a science teacher.

Emperor Hirohito of Japan was a marine biologist, with legit scientific publications

When do marine biologists work?

Stephen Hillenburg, the creator of Spongebob, was a marine biologist too.

Stephen Hillenberg, the creator of Spongebob, is actually a marine biologist.

Australian marine biologists created the genus "Bazinga" in 2013 for a previously undiscovered species of tiny jellyfish, "Bazinga rieki". They named it after Dr. Sheldon Cooper's catchphrase.

Marine Biologist, Edith Widder created a device that mimicked the Atolla Jellyfish's alarm (when threatened the jellyfish will emit a light that signals bigger predators to its location). She placed the device in the deep sea along with a camera. To her surprise a giant squid showed up.

George Constanza marine biologist monolog was written in the spot by Larry David after they felt the original ending didn't cause a good enough laugh

How much do marine biologists make?

The sea urchin species "Coelopleurus exquisitus" was discovered when Dr. Simon Coppard, a marine biologist, was directed to an eBay listing of someone selling one of the urchins.

Marine biologists use death metal to attract sharks to study them

SpongeBob was created by a real marine biologist who snuck in a lot of ocean references most of us missed

The US Navy has a Marine Mammal Program that trains dolphins and seals to do various tasks, such as "ship and harbor protection, mine detection and clearance, and equipment recovery". They have a full-time team of marine biologists, veterinarians, and vet techs caring for them.

Geoffrey Tandy, a marine biologist who helped crack the enigma code in WWII, was not actually recruited based on a spelling mistake between “cryptogam” and “cryptogram.” He was, however, still totally cool.

The Emperor of Japan during World 2 was a dedicated marine biologist

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Marine Biologist. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Marine Biologist so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor