Incredible and fun facts to explore

Long Haul facts

While investigating facts about Long Haul Holidays and Long Haul Flight, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Sea shanties can be grouped into three types: short haul shanties, for tasks requiring quick pulls; halyard shanties, for heavier work requiring more setup time between pulls; and capstan shanties, for long, repetitive tasks.

how to survive a long haul flight?

Where flight attendants and pilots sleep during long haul flights. Some large planes have a secret stairway and tiny bedrooms above the main cabin. The bedrooms typically have 6-10 beds, depending on the plane, a storage area and some are equipped with entertainment systems.

What's long haul?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what to wear on long haul flight and look stylish. Here are 19 of the best facts about Long Haul Trucking and Long Haul Flight Tips I managed to collect.

what's long haul flight?

  1. Teri Horton, a 73-year-old former long-haul truck driver who purchased a painting from a thrift shop for $5, only to find out that it may be a Jackson Pollock, turned down an offer of US $9 million from a Saudi Arabian buyer.

  2. Newer and larger airplanes (Boeing 777 and 787) have hidden crew rest areas above the passenger areas. These areas have enough room to sleep up to 8 flight attendants on long-haul flights. Pilots may also have rest areas that include private bathrooms.

  3. In the 1940s and 1950s there were a series of steam locomotives that would routinely haul 160 rail cars, each individually weighing 60 tons, over the mountains between West Virginia and Virginia. The locomotive itself weighed 771,000lbs, and was 125 feet long

  4. The FBI's US highway serial killer initiative. According to reports, at any given time, there are numerous serial killers doubling as long haul drivers that are able to kill with little chance of being caught.

  5. There are secret bedrooms on some airliners where flight crew can go to sleep on long-haul flights.

  6. The biggest train ever was in Australia where a 4.536 mile-long train was hauled over 170 miles. It weighed over 100,000 tons.

  7. In 2015 a long-haul flight from Heathrow had to turn back because the smell left over when one of the passengers used the toilet was so bad

  8. The trailer for the fourth Diary of a Wimpy Kid movie The Long Haul got 4.5 times more dislikes than likes.

  9. Some long-haul commercial airliners have cozy sleeping nooks for the crew

  10. Singapore Airlines installs a locker for corpses on its long-haul aircraft in case a passenger dies mid-flight

long haul facts
What to wear on a long haul flight?

What is true about long haul?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

Long haul flights average 2.959 liters per 100km (80.84 mpg)

of the Highway Serial Killer Initiative. The FBI suspects that serial killers working as long-haul truckers are responsible for the slayings of hundreds of prostitutes, hitchhikers and stranded motorists whose bodies have been dumped near highways over the last three decades. - source

Why the A380 failed, Big Plane vs Little Plane (The Economics of Long-Haul Flights) - source

Long-haul airplanes have small bunks, or "Crew Rest Areas", above the overhead bins so the flight crew can sleep during long flights.

There are at least 25 former long-haul truckers currently serving time in American prisons for serial murder, including Robert Ben Rhoades, who converted his truck cab into a torture chamber, and Wayne Adam Ford, who walked into a sheriff’s office carrying a woman’s breast in a plastic bag. - source

When is it safe for a baby to fly long haul?

After a sufficiently long haul of insert/delete operations on a Binary Search Tree, the height of the tree degrades to O(sqrt(n)) and does not remain O(logn) mainly because of the fact that Hibbard Deletions lead to an asymmetric tree structure.

How much do long haul truckers make?

Long Haul Airplanes, Have a Secret Compartment With Bed For The Crew

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Long Haul. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Long Haul so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor