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Level Domain facts

While investigating facts about Level Domain Name and Top Level Domain List, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Tuvalu gets 10% of its GDP from leasing its .tv Top Level Domain. This allowed it to able to enter the UN because it could finally afford the $100,000 entrance fee.

how to raise domain functional level?

The personality domain of "Openness to Experience" (which includes openness to new ideas, tolerance of different ways of life, and appreciation of art and music) is strongly associated with higher levels of intelligence

What level domain is?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering the first-ever website used what top-level domain. Here are 31 of the best facts about Top Level Domains and Second Level Domain I managed to collect.

which of the following are at the classification level of domain in the taxonomic hierarchy?

  1. The top-level domain of Iraq (.iq) was in limbo for years as the delegated manager was imprisoned in Texas on charges of alleged connection to Hamas.

  2. Until ICANN was founded in 1998, all top level domains and IP addresses were assigned by one man - Jon Postel. This earned him the nickname "God of the Internet".

  3. De is the second most popular top-level domain after .com, placing above .net, .org, .cn

  4. The Soviet Union actually had a country code top level domain (.su) which was assigned in 1990. A year before it was dissolved

  5. A small Pacific island country calling Tuvalu major source of income comes from the lease of their top level domain .TV to companies in the TV business around the globe

  6. There's a .wtf top-level IANA domain that was created as an April fool's joke and never removed

  7. After ".com", ".tk" is the most popular top-level domain. It belongs to Tokelau, a territory of New Zealand located in the South Pacific.

  8. The small island nation of Tuvalu gets 10% (about 2.2 million USD) of its revenue from royalties of the '.tv' top level domain.

level domain facts
What is an example of a top-level domain?

Why did biologists add the level of domain?

You can easily fact check why upgrade domain functional level by examining the linked well-known sources.

CERN has its own TLD (top-level domain) .cern

The Soviet Union still has a functional top level internet domain - source

In order to get a top level Canadian web domain (.ca) you need to be a valid entity under the Canadian Presence Requirements, one of which being "Elizabeth II in her capacity as head of state of Canada." - source

You Can Still Register The Top Level Domain of The Soviet Union. After It's Collapse in 1991, The Russian Government Petitioned To Keep The Domain.

Like some countries (Australia, .au, Germany, .de) the continent of Antarctica has its own top-level - source

When do you choose the functional level of the domain?

East Germany had .dd as a top level Internet domain.

How to check domain functional level?

The country of Tuvalu make around 7% of its GDP from owning the top level domain '.tv'. Every country was given a two letter domain, and Tuvalu just happened to get '.tv'. .tv became popular and valuable, so Tuvalu makes $2.2m per year from royalties, approx 7% of their $32m GDP.

The top-level domain for South Africa is .za, an abbreviation of the Dutch Zuid-Afrika because Saudi Arabia has .sa, and Dutch was once an official language of South Africa.

The Heard and McDonald Islands have their own country code top-level domain, despite having a population if zero.

The tiny island nation of Tokelau has the second largest Top-Level Domain (.tk) by zone size. [.pdf]

When to raise domain functional level?

The .me top level domain represents Montenegro which had broken off from Yugoslavia. Yugoslavia's domain was .yu; so it went from .yu to .me

The world's smallest economy, Tuvalu, earns a significant amount of its revenue from the lease of .TV, its top level internet domain.

.website is a legit TLD (Top-Level Domain) that can be purchased and used for a website

Palestine has an official top-level domain: .ps

Google has an internet country code top-level domain for Tokelau, a territory of New Zealand that has approximately 1,400 inhabitants.

How many top level domains are there?

Despite not being official arms of the US government, sites for both the House Republicans and House Democrats have top-level .gov domains

A TLD (Top Level Domain) exists for Antarctica, and it is .aq

There is a .cat Top Level Domain, not for cats, but for the Catalan region in Spain

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Level Domain. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Level Domain so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor