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Lesbian Couple facts

While investigating facts about Lesbian Couples and Lesbian Couple Goals, I found out little known, but curios details like:

"lesbian bed death". Studies have found that lesbian couples have less sex than any other relationship, apparently because the sex drive of women in secure relationships declines.

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Rob McElhenney who plays the homophobic character Mac on It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia was raised by a lesbian couple

What happened to the lesbian couple on call the midwife?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are the options for a lesbian couple to have a baby. Here are 26 of the best facts about Lesbian Couple Costumes and Lesbian Couples Instagram I managed to collect.

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  1. 5 years after birth a sperm donor for a lesbian couple was asked in Kansas to pay child support bills that could run into tens of thousands of dollars.

  2. Sailor Moon in Japan had a lesbian couple, Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptume. In the English translation this is censored, stating they are cousins instead. Due to problematic dubbing flirting was left in, leading some viewers to infer their relationship as incestuous.

  3. Lesbian couples two and a half times more likely to get divorced than male same-sex couples

  4. Lesbian couples are two and a half times more likely to get divorced than male same sex couples

  5. The daughter of the first interracially married couple in Mississippi is a lesbian who fought for marriage equality

  6. The japanese anime Sailor Moon originally depicted Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus as a lesbian couple who often shared tender moments and longing glances. But when distributors took the show abroad, their relationship got altered.

  7. Although Rob McElhenney's character in ''It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia'' is very homophobic, Rob was raised by a lesbian couple

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Sweden legalized same-sex civil unions in 1995, nine years later, a study showed gay male couples were 50% more likely to divorce than were heterosexual couples and Lesbian couples were nearly three times more likely to divorce than were heterosexual couples.

A school in Mississippi canceled their senior prom when a female student sued, and won, for not being allowing to attend with her girlfriend. Parents organized a second prom in secret, leaving the lesbian couple and only 5 other students at the official prom - source

A Kansas man was ordered to pay child support to a lesbian couple after having donated sperm through a private contract - source

In 2013 an Australian pool company chose to ignore the actual surname of a married lesbian couple and made their invoice out to "Dykes"

A lesbian swan couple in Boston. Initially thought to be male-female, “Romeo and Juliet” were later found to be both female. - source

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Canada's legal age of consent is 14 for straight and lesbian couples, but 18 for gay males. Though it remains in the law, this discrepancy has not actually been enforceable since 1995.

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Disney tried showing lesbian couple in an episode of "Good Luck Charlie". Conservatives were furious and there were even death threats sent to the toddler star of the show. The show was canceled than a month later.

20% of US gay couples have had a child while 50% of lesbian did.

Gay and lesbian couples are happier than straight couples, new study reveals

The Grinch was "born" during a swinger party and raised by a lesbian couple.

In Vienna, the standard "walk-don't walk" lights have been replaced by lights showing gay and lesbian couples.

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An Anti-Gay Christian bakery in Oregon tried crowdfunding to raise money to pay a fine imposed on them for refusing to bake a wedding cake for a Lesbian couple. When GoFundMe shut them down for violation of State Law, they blamed Satan

The rate of divorce for lesbian couples is double the rate of gay men couples

Honolulu paid a lesbian couple $80,000 after a city police officer wrongfully arrested them after seeing them kissing in a grocery store while on vacation

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Lesbian Couple. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Lesbian Couple so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor