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Legal Loopholes facts

While investigating facts about Legal Loopholes To Make Money and Legal Loopholes Uk, I found out little known, but curios details like:

In 1970, a gay man discovered a loophole in Minnesota law that said gay marriage wasn't explicitly illegal, as long as officials allowed it. He then changed his name legally from 'Jack' to 'Pat Lyn' and fooled officials into thinking he was a woman — successfully getting a gay marriage license.

how to find legal loopholes?

A legal loophole in the UK allows alcohol to be sold without a license on a train in motion. An unlicensed distillery exploited this by setting up in a disused railway building, obtaining a steam train, and selling gin to customers while they road it back and forth from the distillery.

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 42 of the best facts about Legal Loopholes Immigration and Legal Loopholes Australia I managed to collect.

what are some legal loopholes?

  1. A law professor discovered a quirk in the law that makes murder technically legal in a 50 sq mile, remote section of Yellowstone National Park. He alerted Congress about the loophole and even wrote draft legislation to close the loophole. Congress has yet to act.

  2. The First Gulf War (in 1991) technically never ended — there was just a cease-fire. The UK used this legal loophole to justify entering the Second Gulf War (in 2003).

  3. In 2015, thanks to a legal loophole, Ireland accidentally legalised the possession of a number of hard drugs, including ecstasy and crystal meth for 2 days.

  4. One of the main usages of Agent Orange in Vietnam was to destroy crops in friendly territory to force people to move to cities. Agent orange is still legal in warfare, due to a loophole.

  5. Serial killer Ted Bundy put a woman on the stand and then asked her to marry him; she said yes. There was a loophole in Florida law where a marriage proposal accepted under oath was legally binding.

  6. I learned that due to a legal loophole, corporations in America can claim their corporate fines for wrongdoing as tax deductions, meaning the taxpayer pays for their misdeeds not the corporations.

  7. A single misplaced comma created a giant legal loophole in the 1972 U.S Tariff Act, costing the government $1,000,000.

  8. A British farmer in Surrey built a faux castle and hid it behind a towering wall of haystacks and tarps for four years trying to exploit a legal loophole that said a building was legal if no one complained about its presence for four years.

  9. Due to legal loopholes, more than 200,000 children married in the United States over the last 15 years, mostly girls married to adult men. Girls as young as 10 were among the minors who wedded under legal loopholes.

  10. A Japanese man named Issei Sagawa went to France for a study abroad in the 70s, killed and ate a Dutch woman and unsuccessfully tried to dump the body in a lake. He was deported to Japan, and due to a legal loophole, was able check himself out of the hospital and is a free man to this day.

legal loopholes facts
What are the best facts about Legal Loopholes?

What is true about legal loopholes?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

Steve Jobs would lease a new car every six months to take advantage of a loophole in California law so that he legally never had to use license plates

Legislation sponsored by the billboard industry created a loophole in the law which allowed illegal billboard to be presumed legal if they have been in place for five years without receiving a notice of violation and the burden of proof lies with the inspectors - source

48 states have legal loopholes when it makes it ok to marry someone under the age of 18. Between 2000 and 2015, 200,000 minors were married, legally, to adults, the majority of which were 14-17 year old girls. - source

The "Zone of Death", a 40 square mile area of Yellowstone National Park where a person can legally get away with murder due to a loophole in the US constitution.

In 2007, the islet of Pontinha became an independent nation after the owner, Renato Barros, an art teacher, noticed a legal loophole in the sale charter issued by the King of Portugal in 1903. - source

The term loophole when used in a legal context means?

In the process of obtaining a H1-B worker, employers can reject all U.S. candidates through legal loopholes, (even if the foreign candidates would've been rejected under the very same criteria had they been a U.S. citizen).

Because of a legal loophole; crystal meth, ecstacy, ketamine, and many other drugs in Ireland were legal for several days during the March of 2015.

The loophole that allows everyone to buy illegal fireworks in Florida is an exception in their statute that allows agricultural use to "frighten birds" away from crops. Everyone who buys bottle rockets, mortars or roman candles there signs a form saying they understand that's the only legal use.

Due to a legal loophole concerning federal and state jurisdictions, there's a 50 square mile space in Yellowstone National Park where you could get away with murder

Genene Jones, a pediatric nurse accused of killing 6 to 60 babies, is set to be released from prison in 2018, 60+ years early due a legal loophole.

A squatter has been living in the New Yorker Hotel for over a year. Despite the hotel taking him to court he is able to remain there because of a legal loophole.

Interesting facts about legal loopholes

During Prohibition, Walgreen's took advantage of a legal loophole in Section 7 of the Volstead Act, allowing them to legally prescribe, and sell Whiskey as a treatment for various ailments. They grew their business by roughly 2500%, expanding from just 20 stores in 1919, to 525 outlets by 1929.

Athlete and franchise owner fines are tax-deductible, legal loopholes

The same day an anti-gay "Religious Freedom" Act was passed in Indiana, the First Church of Cannabis was formed. The founder realized a loophole in the bill which legally allows its members to smoke marijuana.

Issei Sagawa, who killed and ate a Dutch woman in Paris in 1981, but was able to leave jail through a series of legal loopholes and still walks free today

Issei Sagawa, who in 1981 killed and ate a Dutch woman in Paris. Through a various number of legal loopholes, he was able to voluntarily check himself out of his mental institution and still walks free today

It’s perfectly legal in 48 of 50 states to marry off your underage teen against their will. Time to close those loopholes.

It’s perfectly legal in 48 US states to force an underage teen into marriage. Time to close those loopholes

A Japanese cannibal was found guilty of eating a woman but is a free man because of a legal loophole. He now makes a living by talking about his story and has even reenacted scenes of his murder.

There is a 50 sq mile area in the state of Idaho where you can legally commit any crime , including murder. This is due to a loophole in the constitution where the area doesn’t have enough inhabitants to form a jury.

About the Sackler Family. The billionaires that profited most from inventing and pushing oxycontin through legal avenues and loopholes.

The "Zone of Death" in Yellowstone National Park, a 50 sq. mile area where murder is legal. A murderer can use a jury selection loophole to avoid standing trial for their crime due to the overlap in federal and state land claimed by Yellowstone.

Due to ancestry and legal loopholes technically the last surviving veteran of the American Civil War is only 58 years old. Frank Fritz from American Pickers participated in the Battle of Bull Run

There is an area in Yellowstone National Park where a person could commit murder and not have to stand in trial due to legal loopholes involving finding a suitable jury.

There is a "Murder Zone" in Yellowstone National Park where you can legally kill someone due to a loophole in the law.

Because of a loophole in Irelands Drug Policy ecstasy is currently legal and will remain so until Thursday.

Because he testified in the 2005 Michael Jackson trial, Jay Leno was not allowed to tell jokes about Jackson or the case. However, The Tonight Show's writers used a legal loophole by having Leno briefly step aside while stand-in comedians took the stage and told jokes about the trial.

In the US, Legal Loopholes Often Allow Christian Companies to Shield Themselves from Wrongful Death Lawsuits by Using a Process Where "Holy Scripture is the Supreme Authority"

There is a 50-square-mile zone within Idaho's section of Yellowstone National Park where you can legally get away with murder due to a loophole

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Legal Loopholes. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Legal Loopholes so important!

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