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Judge Ordered facts

While investigating facts about Judge Ordered Mediation and Judge Ordered No Contact, I found out little known, but curios details like:

In England, after 2 thieves broke into a mans home and made off with his laptop, they inspected the device, found serious child abuse material and went to the cops regardless. The paedophile got 3 yrs in jail. The judge gave robbers a 12 month community service orders in light of their good deed

how judge judy works?

The CEO of Charles Schwab often conducts interviews over breakfast, asking the cook ahead of time to slightly mess up the candidate's order. He judges their reaction as a test of their character.

What does judge ordered mean?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is judge ordered. Here are 50 of the best facts about Judge Ordered To Jail and Judge Ordered Removal I managed to collect.

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  1. A Cleveland woman was ordered by a judge to stand on a corner during rush hour on two days holding a sign that read "Only an idiot would drive on the sidewalk to avoid a school bus", after notoriously disregarding the law and laughing at the charges.

  2. All audience members on Judge Judy are paid actors and in order to be able to attend a taping of the show, the actors need to be a member of the Screen Actor's Guild (although some exceptions are occasionally made)

  3. After Hurricane Katrina, a group of Benedictine monks in Louisiana began selling low-cost, handmade cypress caskets. The state’s Board of Embalmers and Funeral Directors issued a cease-and-desist order, claiming that only funeral homes could sell caskets. A judge ruled in favor of the monks.

  4. Five teens who defaced a historic black schoolhouse in Virginia with racist graffiti were sentenced by a judge to read and write reports on 35 books by authors such as Elie Wiesel, Khaled Hosseini, and Maya Angelou. They were also ordered to visit the Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC.

  5. During the French Revolution, Louis XVI ordered the arrest of a judge named D'Epremesnil. When the arresting officers came to the Palais de Justice, they did not know D'Epremesnil by sight, so all the judges stood up and cried "We are all D'Epremesnil!". No arrests were made that day.

  6. US District Judge William Alsup learnt Java in order to better judge the Oracle vs. Google case

  7. A woman won $1.3 million lottery.She hid it from her husband and immediately divorced him to avoid giving him half. He found out and sued. Due a Family Code statute that penalizes spouses for falsifying data about their property during divorce, judge ordered her to give him 100% of the winnings.

  8. "The Case of the Stolen Smell" in which an innkeeper accused a poor student of stealing the fumes of his cooking by eating when the innkeeper was cooking to flavour his dull food. The judge ordered the student to pay the innkeeper with the sound of money by passing it from one hand to another

  9. A Tennessee magistrate judge once ordered a woman to change her son's name from "Messiah" because "The word Messiah is a title that has only been earned by one person, and that one person is Jesus Christ."

  10. In 2011, after their home was incorrectly foreclosed upon by Bank of America, a judge ordered the bank to pay the couple's legal fees. When it failed to pay, the couple successfully foreclosed upon the bank.

judge ordered facts
What does judge ordered?

Why does judge ordered mediation?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

In california, for certain offenses, the judge can order the PARENTS of the accused to take MANDATORY classes to become better parents, punishable by a charge of contempt

The Coca-Cola company was ordered by a US judge to turn over their secret formula twice- they refused both times. - source

Kelsey Smith-Briggs was murdered 4 months after a judge ordered her return to her biological mother's home, despite repeated reports of abuse. She was only 2 years old. - source

In 2006, Judge Garland Ellis Burrell Jr. ordered that items from Ted Kaczynski's cabin be sold at a "reasonably advertised Internet auction." Bomb-making materials, such as diagrams for bombs, were excluded. Raising $232,000 for his victims.

When the parents of a nine-year-old named "Talula Does The Hula From Hawaii" went to court in a custody battle, the judge was so mortified by their daughter's unusual name that he ordered them to rename her. - source

When does a judge ordered mediation?

A UK judge ordered a criminal to be released as at a height of 7'2" he was too big for prisons.

How judge judy died?

"The Case of the Stolen Smell" - an innkeeper accused a poor student of "stealing his smell" by eating while the innkeeper was cooking to "flavor" his dull food. The judge ordered the student to pay the innkeeper with the sound of money by passing it from one hand to another.

In 2002 a Painesville man was ordered by a judge to stand with a live pig next to a sign that read "This is not a police officer," after the man referred to an officer as a pig during their confrontation.

A federal judge once ordered obnoxious lawyers to resolve a petty and meaningless dispute with a game of rock, paper, scissors

A German judge ordered every copy of the film "Nosferatu" to be destroyed due to violating "Dracula's" copyright. Only one American print survived, as "Dracula" was in the public domain there. All modern copies of the film stem from this one print.

An Indiana judge ordered the forced sterilization of a teenage girl without her knowing of the proceedings. After the teen was tricked into the operation, the judge was held as immune from prosecution for acting acceptably under his duties.

Interesting facts about judge ordered

That, as part of a poacher’s jail sentence, the Judge ordered him to watch the Disney animated film Bambi once a month until his release.

A judge ordered a deer poacher to watch ‘Bambi’ once a month while incarcerated

In England, after 2 thieves broke into a mans home and made off with his laptop, they inspected the device, found serious child abuse material and went to the cops regardless. The paedophile got 3 yrs in jail. The judge gave robbers a 12 month community service orders in light of their good deed

A man ordered by a judge to decrypt his hard drive so contents can be used against him by prosecution.

During the Great Chilean Earthquake of 1960, two men ritually sacrificed a 5 year old boy in order to calm the sea and earth. They were released after 2 years in prison with the judge ruling they "acted without free will, driven by an irresistible natural force of ancestral tradition."

How old is judge judy?

In 2005, a Niagara Falls City Court Judge ordered all 46 people in attendance go to jail after nobody would admit to their phone ringing.

H. Beatty Chadwick who holds the record for longest time in jail on contempt of court. He told the judge he "lost" the $2.5 mil he was ordered to pay his ex-wife and spent fourteen years in jail without ever being charged with a crime.

Stalin had a secret laboratory to analyze the excrement of foreign leaders that met with him in order to judge their mental state. A high level of tryptophan was said to indicate a sign that a person would be calm and easy to deal with, while potassium indicated that a person was nervous.

UN weapons inspector and UK government Bio-weapons expert David Kelly was found dead 2 days after testifying in parliament against Iraqi WMD claims. His autopsy was also meant to be sealed for 70 years by judge order.

About Truckhenge, a farm where a man was ordered by a judge to pick up his trucks, so he did just that by standing them on end and anchoring them with 23 tons of concrete

In 1856 the governor of Washington Territory was removed from office by Congress for defying orders from two judges and imprisoning families he suspected of conspiring with Native tribes they married into. It all escalated into a stand-off between territorial militia and a sheriff's posse.

The NFL team Washington Redskins cited US patented brands such as Dumb Blond beer, Midget-Man condoms, Oh! My Nappy Hair shampoo, and Take Yo Panties Off clothing when a federal judge ordered the cancellation of their federal trademark registrations for disparaging Native Americans.

Money launderers often sue each other to wash their money with a judge’s order.

The iconic "chung chung" noise from Law and Order is actually composed of 12 different sounds including a judges gavel, a jail door slamming, and 500 monks walking across a floor.

Judge Samuel King was so angry because jurors were late to his trail that he said, "I hereby order that it cease raining by Tuesday morning." A 5 year drought proceeded in 1986 in CA. Then he said, "It is ordered that rain shall fall in California beginning February 27, 1991." And so it did.

Abraham is not the only biblical figure who was ordered to sacrifice their child to God; Jephthah of the Book of Judges offers to sacrifice his daughter, and unlike Abraham it is left ambiguous whether he spared her or not

A federal judge ordered two opposing lawyers to play rock-paper-scissors to resolve a disagreement over the location of a deposition.

In order to become a Supreme Court judge (Justice), there are no specific qualifications, but most have been trained in law. The U.S. President can nominate anyone they choose, but the Senate must approve the nominee. If the Senate decides against the nominee the President must then supply them with another nominee.

A US Judge dispenses unusual sentences such as a women being ordered to walk 30 miles for skipping out a cab fare

Listerine once ran a commercial that claimed that its rinse was "as effective as flossing". A law suit brought by J&J led a judge to order the commercials be taken down. Defense for Listerine tried to claim that they were not suggesting that mouthrinse be used instead of floss.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Judge Ordered. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Judge Ordered so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor