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Italian Fascist facts

While investigating facts about Italian Fascist Flag and Italian Fascist Dictator, I found out little known, but curios details like:

With most of southern Italy under Allied control by that time, the Italians who were still fighting in the Axis forces were often "true believers" of Mussolini and the Fascist cause. Two Italian SS divisions fought at Anzio and were elevated to Waffen status due to their actions holding the line.

how did the italian fascists spread propaganda?

The Vatican built a commercial property empire using cash originally handed over by former Italian dictator Mussolini in return for papal recognition of the Italian fascist regime in 1929.

What does fascist mean in italian?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what do italian fascists believe. Here are 27 of the best facts about Italian Fascist Symbol and Italian Fascist Architecture I managed to collect.

the term fascist comes from the italian word for what?

  1. As the Allies worked their way north up the Italian peninsula, leftist partisans began assassinating Fascists and Fascist sympathizers they had on lists. On the other side, the Blackshirts were Fascist paramilitaries that formed to fight the partisans.

  2. After being killed by Partisans, Mussolini was dumped in Piazzale Loreto, where in 1944 he had 15 partisans murdered and publicly displayed. His corpse was kicked, pissed on, and shot at by the Italian crowd, and he was hung upside-down with a meathook along with other Fascists.

  3. Benito Mussolini, the dictator of fascist Italy during the Second World War, was employed by the British Military Intelligence (MI5) during the First World War to keep Italian anti-war protesters at home and to publish pro-war propaganda.

  4. Amerigo Dumini, an Italian fascist, assassin and spy captured in Libya by the British during WWII. Sentenced to death by firing squad, he took seventeen bullets, but lived and escaped to Tunisia, dying on Christmas Day 1967 after being electrocuted changing a lightbulb.

  5. A POW camp during WWII that housed Italian and Nazi fascist soldiers, mostly captured during the African campaign. It's location? Florence, Arizona.

  6. During his trial after WW2, italian fascist Julius Evola denied being a fascist and instead referred to himself as a "superfascist". He was acquitted.

  7. Before 1942, American schoolchildren saluted the flag by extending the right arm. It was changed to the hand-over-heart after Nazis and Italian fascists adopted the salute.

  8. No Italian war crimes tribunal took place after WW2 because the British government feared it would benefit the Italian Communist Party. Memory of fascist war crimes was accordingly erased from public discourse during the Cold War era.

  9. The Italian Fascist Party took inspiration for the use of the roman salute as a symbol from a film made by Gabriele D'Annunzio, "Cabiria".

  10. The Allied victory in Sicily led to the collapse of Fascist Italy and opened the door for the invasion of mainland Italy.

italian fascist facts
What was the significance of the italian fascist slogan?

What is true about italian fascist?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

During the Fascist Revolution the Italian Government banned foreign children's literature except Mickey, since Disney characters were exempted from the decree for the "acknowledged artistic merit" of Disney's work.

The last shots fired by the Italian Fascist regime were in May 1945, by an Italian submarine crew fighting for Japan after Italy and Germany surrendered. - source

About Cesare Mori, who under the Italian Fascist Regime was tasked with crushing the Sicilian Mafia. He primarily targeted lower tier members, but did drive them into hiding. The murder rate sharply declined, and landowners could raise their legal rents as much 1000x higher.

Giorgio Perlasca an Italian businessman and former fascist who, posed as the Spanish consul-general to Hungary and saved 5,218 Jews from deportation to Nazi extermination camps in eastern Europe - source

When was the italian fascist party formed?

J.R.R. Tolkien has a devoted following among the Italian far-right, some of whom founded a "neo-fascist training center" in the 1970s called Camp Hobbit

How did the italian fascists used propaganda?

Anime character Captain Harlock is a far-right icon among Italian neo-fascists

The italian fascists motto was ''I don’t give a damn!''

Before WWII, instead of crossing their heart, American citizens would perform the "Bellamy Salute" during the national anthem. A salute very similar to the one the fascist Italian, and German parties would use later.

Alessandra Mussolini is an Italian politician and granddaughter of Italian fascist dictator Benito Mussolini. Her maternal aunt is actress Sophia Loren.

Interesting facts about italian fascist

Up until the promulgation of the 1938 racial laws, a number of Italian Jews held significant State offices and positions inside the National Fascist Party

Leone Jacovacci (1902-1983), an afro-Italian boxing champion whose victories enraged the fascist regime to the point where he was denied the European middleweight title twice

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Italian Fascist. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Italian Fascist so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor