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Illegally Smuggled facts

While investigating facts about Illegally Smuggled, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Beetle breeding is a $100 million industry in Japan. In 1999, a beetle specimen sold for 10,000,000 yen which was about $100,000 at the time. The industry used to be illegal which caused surges in beetle smuggling- in 2001, two Japanese men were arrested in Nepal trying to smuggle 542 beetles.

how do i report an illegally parked car?

The FBI arrested nearly all of the top officials of Crystal City, Texas in one afternoon on felony charges varying from bribery, to illegal gambling, and even human smuggling.

Who is at fault if i hit an illegally parked car?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering who is at fault when you hit an illegally parked car. Here are 32 of the best facts about Illegally Smuggled I managed to collect.

who is at fault if a car is parked illegally?

  1. During the Norwegian Butter Crisis of 2011, two Swedes were arrested for illegally smuggling more than 250kg of butter into the country. The police destroyed the confiscated illegal butter.

  2. Australian-born American actor Errol Flynn & Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard were close friends. According to Hubbard's son, the two were involved in illegal activities together including drug smuggling and a mutual affinity for underage girls

  3. Illegally smuggling toilets out of Canada and into the United States is an actual thing. Toilets in Canada are 3.5gal per flush and we're made illegal by the EPA for water conservation.

  4. An illegal space sandwich is preserved in acrylic at the Grissom Museum in Indiana (given to Grissom after being smuggled on Gemini 3 in 1965)

  5. Rusik, the first police sniffer cat in Russia who was used to search cars for illegal smuggling of Sturgeon, an expensive fish that is used to make Caviar. His uncanny ability to find the hidden fish lead to a contract killing when he was run over and crushed by a Mafi-owned car.

  6. 80% of the cigarettes sold in New York City are smuggled in from low-tax states or foreign sources and sold illegally, either over the counter or in the backrooms of bodegas where a typical pack can sell for as little as $8 instead of the usual $13.

  7. Budae-jjigae, the Korean soup dish which is a fusion of common soup ingredients in Korea and scavenged foods from US bases had a period of "illegality"; as spam smuggling was punishable by death under President Park in the 60s to the 70s.

  8. John DeLorean of The DeLorean Motor Company was arrested as part of a cocaine smuggling operation he was in trying save his company. He was acquitted though because the FBI, DEA and a confidential informant were found to have unfairly targeted and illegally entrapped him.

  9. Morocco is the world's largest producer of cannabis. And yet it is illegal and of necessity, all exports are smuggled.

  10. ISTAT the Italian government's National Institute of Statistics, won an "IG Nobel Prize" (a parody of the nobel prizes) in economics, for " including revenue from illegal drug sales, prostitution, smuggling, etc., in GDP reporting, in order to meet an EU regulatory mandate."

illegally smuggled facts
Who is at fault for hitting an illegally parked car?

Why illegally downloading music is bad?

You can easily fact check why illegally downloading music is unethical by examining the linked well-known sources.

Mexico has a patron saint of smuggling. Drug smugglers and human traffickers believe that the more prominently they display his likeness, the greater the protection they receive. Of course, this practice also tips border agents off to the presence of illegal activity.

Maria de Lujan Telpuk, a former airport security official. On 4 August 2007, she caught a Venezuelan-American businessman trying to smuggle $790,550 into Argentina, which were illegal campaign contributions from Hugo Chavez. She used her fame to become a Playboy model. - source

Thomas Jefferson stole some Italian Rice (which was illegal with death penalty), but he didn't care and stuffed the pockets of his clothing with rice seeds and smuggled it out of Italy. - source

It is illegal to import or sell 'chewing gum' in Singapore. Only therapeutic dental or nicotine gums are permitted with the prescription of a doctor. Gum smuggling punishment includes up to two years in prison and or a S$100,000 fine.

A lucrative smuggling market exists for bringing illegal Chinese honey to the U.S. in order to avoid trade barriers. - source

Who do you call when a car is illegally parked?

About ”Ribs”, illegal gramophone recordings made on X-Ray films and smuggled into the Soviet Union with banned western music.

How to report an illegally parked car?

Beagle has acute sense of smell thanks to 220 million scent receptors in the nose (44 times more than humans). Beagles are official dogs of the US government that are used to prevent smuggling of illegal agricultural products into America.

There is a kind of rotten cheese called Casu Marzu that is full of live maggots and smuggled because it is illegal in the EU.

Nearly all store-bought honey is fake, adulterated, or illegally smuggled from China and contains traces of antibiotics. If you want real honey, you have to buy from a farmer's market, co-op, or beekeeper.

The Fiji government claims the entire U.S. zoo population of Fiji Banded Iguanas are descended from illegally smuggled animals.

About María del Luján Telpuk, an airport security official in Buenos Aires, Argentina who discovered a person trying to smuggle $790,550 in illegal political campaign contributions from President of of Venezuela Hugo Chávez, she used her fame to become a "Playboy" model

Who to call when a car is illegally parked?

Bananas are radioactive enough to regularly cause false alarms on radiation sensors used to detect illegal smuggling of nuclear material into the US

Cherán, a Mexican town that kicked out all the politicians, police & gangsters, declared themselves autonomous, ended illegal logging, drug smuggling and elections & now after 8 years, has practically no crime or corruption in a region known for murders, kidnappings & political corruption.

Elephants were illegally smuggled from Burma to Thailand for entertainment fueled by tourism.

China ran an illegal firearm smuggling operation in the United States that ran until the 1990's when the feds got involved

Conservationists found the bones of at least 15 people in the basement of a house belonging to Ben Franklin, most likely bodies smuggled from graveyards for an illegal anatomy school.

How to get an illegally parked car towed?

Border Security: Canada's Front Line" is a reality TV show that partly focused on Americans illegally crossing and smuggling across Canada's southern border.

There is such thing as "Illegal Honey", smuggled in from china.

The US-Mexico border wall was not a recent measure against illegal immigration or smuggling; rather, it is because Mexico actually attempted to invade the USA during World War 1!

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Illegally Smuggled. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Illegally Smuggled so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor