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Illegal Possess facts

While investigating facts about Illegal Possession Of Firearms and Illegal Possession Of Firearms Bailable Or Not, I found out little known, but curios details like:

In Western Australia, it is illegal to possess more than 50kg/110lb of potatoes.

how to remove illegal possession?

It is illegal to collect or possess eagle feathers in the United States, and only enrolled members of a federally recognized Native American tribe may legally possess them.

What is illegal possession of firearms?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what feathers are illegal to possess. Here are 42 of the best facts about Illegal Possession Of Firearms Penalty and Illegal Possession Of Firearms Acquitted I managed to collect.

what's illegal possession?

  1. There are prime numbers that are illegal to possess or distribute. One of the first ones, found in 2001, was used to bypass copyright protection on DVDs.

  2. Ol' Dirty Bastard of the Wu Tang Clan has a 90-page FBI file that includes A shootout with the NYPD, drug dealing, illegal possession of body armor, and connections to 3 different murders.

  3. From 1933 to 1974, it was generally illegal for individuals and corporations to possess gold in the United States

  4. Marijuana was LEGAL in India until 1985, when under American governmental pressure, it had to declare possession of marijuana illegal despite it being consumed for years and being a part of India's culture.

  5. It is illegal to possess the September 1965 issue of Playboy, because Patti Reynolds was only 17 when she posed.

  6. There's a number that is considered illegal. If you distribute or even possess this number, you can be prosecuted under the DMCA

  7. Japan didn't ban child pornography until 1999. Even after 1999, possession of child pornography wasn't illegal, only production and sale were.

  8. Trinitite, a glassy material made from the fallout of nuclear blast sites has been collected and made into jewelry. It’s illegal to collect any more but, not to possess any that has already been taken.

  9. It is illegal for Federal Employees to possess or use marijuana under any circumstances, even for medicinal use or if they live in a state that allows it.

illegal possess facts
What is the punishment for possession of illegal drugs?

Why is drug possession illegal?

You can easily fact check why is it illegal to possess a bear gallbladder by examining the linked well-known sources.

Only official members of a federally accepted Native American tribes may legally possess or collect eagle feathers. If a normal citizen has one, it is illegal.

In Western Australia, it is illegal to possess more than 50kg of potatoes to keep supply low and prices high. The law was originally put in place to ration food during and after WWI. - source

In 2006 the Supreme Court ruled that religious organizations are allowed to possess and use otherwise illegal substances - source

Matt DeHart, hacker associated with Anonymous, discovered that the CIA played a role in the 2001 anthrax attacks. After he released this information, the CIA and FBI put warrants out for his arrest, illegally detained him, tortured him, charged him with possessing Child Pornography. - source

When would it be illegal for a minor to possess an alcoholic beverage?

Pawn Stars Chumlee was arrested for illegal firearm possession and drugs (meth) in 2016. He currently earns 50k per episode of Pawn Stars

How to protect your land from illegal possession?

Possession of a physical copy of Manhunt for PS2 in New Zealand is illegal

Proprietary information has been encoded as an "illegal prime", raising the question of whether possessing a number can be illegal

Between 1977 and 1989 it was illegal to import, possess or ride a skateboard in Norway, and it is also the only country to ever do so.

Potato guns may be classified as Title II weapons meaning their possession and manufacture are illegal without a federal background check and a $200 tax stamp

When is a person said to be in possession of an illegal weapon?

Possession of fully grown magic mushrooms is illegal in every state in the United States except Florida

There's a prime number in the U.S. that is illegal to physically possess.

O fthe North Carolina Unaurthorized Substance Tax. A tax that is to be paid on any illegal substance you possess over a certain weight within 48 hours of recieving it . Than placing a stamp onto it showing the tax was paid. And no, it doesn't make it any less illegal to posses.

In Roman law, usucapio laws allowed someone who was in possession of a good without title to become the lawful proprietor if the original owner didn't show up after some time (one or two years), unless the good was obtained illegally (by theft or force).

How much is the bail for illegal possession of firearms in the philippines?

Because the sale and possession of alcohol is illegal in Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, the nearby town of Whiteclay, Nebraska, population 14, sells over 4.9 million cans of beer annually to the reservation out of its 4 liquor stores.

In 1937, the Quebec government made it illegal to possess "Communist" or "Bolshevist" literature.

In 1993, the US government raided the compound of the Branch Davidians, an extremist sect of the Seventh-day Adventists, in Waco, TX, due to their possession of illegal weapons. 80 members were killed, ending the cult's mainstream existence.

Chumlee, of Pawn Stars fame, was house raided by law enforcement. The search concluded with 20 felony charges, which ranged from meth possession to owning 17 illegal firearms, which included an MP5 submachine gun. He got off on 3 years house arrest and counseling.

It is illegal to possess 50kg of potatoes in Western Australia and police have the power to stop and search vehicles suspected of carrying more than 50kg of potatoes accoding the the Marketing of Patatoes Act 1946 (WA)

It's illegal to possess a dice with more than 6 sides in California

In Michigan, USA, it is illegal for an individual to own or possess more than 3000 cigarettes, Act 327 of 1993 - 205.428

The possession of child pornography was made illegal in Japan just this past June. Possessing child porn manga or anime is still legal.

James Remar was originally cast as Corporal Hicks in the 1986 film Aliens. After he was fired, due to possession of illegal drugs, Michael Biehn was brought in for the role.

The possession of gold coins was illegal from 1933 until 1971.

In the Republic of Ireland, fireworks are illegal and possession is punishable by huge fines and/or prison.

Empty shell casings are considered ammunition in Washington, D.C., so they are illegal to possess unless you are a resident and have a gun registration certificate.

In Minnesota it’s illegal to possess controlled substances if taxes haven’t been collected on their sale, legal or illegal

After the 1996 mass shooting (killing 35) in Tasmania, Australia there has not been one mass shooting since. This is due to an incredibly effective gun clampdown where the government bought back AUD$ 320 million worth of guns and changed the gun laws making it illegal to possess a gun.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Illegal Possess. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Illegal Possess so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor