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Highly Trained facts

While investigating facts about Highly Trained Crossword Clue and Highly Trained Synonym, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The unconfirmed record for fastest moving manmade object is a manhole cover propelled by a nuclear detonation. A high-speed camera trained on the lid caught only one frame of it moving upward before it vanished—which means it was moving about 125,000 miles per hour

how can highly toxic chemicals be taken safely?

Street dogs in Russia use trains to commute between various locations, obey traffic lights, and avoid defecating in high traffic areas. The leader of a pack is the most intelligent (not strongest) and the packs intuit human psychology in many ways (e.g. deploying cutest dogs to beg).

What is the most highly trained military unit in the world?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the most highly trained special forces. Here are 50 of the best facts about Highly Trained Crossword and Highly Trained Dogs I managed to collect.

what is the most highly trained military unit?

  1. The distinctive nose of the Shinkansen 500 bullet train prevents sonic booms whenever it exits a tunnel and was discovered when scientists studied the shape of a kingfisher's beak to learn how it hit the water at high speed

  2. Japan Railways keeps a dying, underused train station in operation in order for one high school student to get to her school.

  3. In 1970 you could travel between DC and NYC by train in 2 hours and 30 minutes for $12.75. Today it takes Amtrak's high-speed Acela 3 hours and it costs $158.

  4. Jules Verne wrote the novel "Paris in the Twentieth Century" back in 1863 and described a world of glass skyscrapers, high-speed trains, cities of elevator-equipped, gas-fuelled cars, subways, and a worldwide communications network.

  5. A 2001 study found up to 70% of female high school students in Tokyo had been groped while riding the train

  6. Japan Railways kept the underused Kyu-shirataki Station, located in a remote area of Hokkaido, Japan, open for an extra year for a single passenger -- a high school girl who needed to train to commute to class

  7. The Japanese high-speed rail system has a network of seismometers that will stop their bullet trains in the event of an earthquake. This system was activated just 12 seconds before the 2011 earthquake and tsunami and as a result, only one bullet train on its test run derailed that day.

  8. When Einstein arrived in Paris by train in 1922,many high profile reporters, diplomats were waiting for him on the platform. Instead, he sneaked out the back car and off down the tracks, laughing "like a child".

  9. Virginia Hall, one of the most highly decorated spies in American history. Her small resistance team is credited with destroying four bridges, derailing dozens of freight trains, killing 150 German soldiers, and capturing another 300 enemy troops. She did all of this with a wooden leg.

  10. In the mid 1800s people believed that travelling by train could cause insanity due to the high speeds.

highly trained facts
What job is assigned to the most highly trained employee?

What is true about highly trained?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

Eiji Nakatsu, a Japanese engineer, redesigned a high-speed bullet train to be shaped like the bill of the kingfisher bird---thereby reducing its sonic boom effect, and allowing the train to run at higher speeds and still adhere to the standard noise level of 70 dBa.

Actor Steve McQueen was a highly trained martial arts expert, but refused to test for his belts in fear of being challenged publicly and sued if he opened a can of whoop ass on somebody - source

In 2014, highly trained snipers nearly knocked out power to Silicon Valley and were never caught. - source

Japanese Police Officers are highly trained in judo and fencing. Beer bellies are non-existent and they hold annual contests in martial arts.

U 1206 was a submarine that Germany’s top minds had produced a high tech toilet for which allowed them to flush while being submerged. Flushing was only allowed for specially trained sailors. On its first mission its captain flushed himself which lead to a malfunction and the ship being sunk. - source

When a situation occurs where a highly trained professional?

China Runs A High Speed Train From Beijing, China to Lhasa, Tibet, about 1272 miles away, and passes through the highest elevation attained by any train in the world (16,600ft) requiring oxygen to be pumped into the specially built passenger cabins and with a doctor onboard every train

There is a railway connecting Tibet to the rest of China. It reaches a highest point of 5,072 m (16,640 feet). The steep climb and high elevation means that an oxygen supply is given to each passenger and a doctor must be present. An elderly passenger with heart issues died on the train in 2006.

Yasuke, the first foreign-born samurai, was not actually a slave. In fact, he was a highly skilled warrior before he arrived in Japan. His training in Africa and India enabled him to become a samurai in a very short period of time.

Tennessee State's track and field coach Ed Temple spotted Wilma while playing basketball for her high school team. He asked her to join the summer training program and she did. She continued to train with Temple's guidance through the rest of her time in high school.

Pig has large, round disk of cartilage on top of the snout which is flexible and strong at the same time. It is used for digging of soil in search for food. Pig has excellent sense of smell which is highly appreciated in some parts of Europe, where this animal is trained for search of truffles (type of expensive and rare mushroom that grows under the ground).

Daniel W. Hiers Jr., a fugitive accused of murder & sexual assault, eluded the U.S. Marshals for 10 years by using his knowledge as a former law enforcement officer, being highly trained in martial arts, and maintaining a high level of fitness.

Interesting facts about highly trained

Highly trained singers, such as opera stars, are unable to match the precision of even the most basic of musical instruments. Researchers suggest this is due to the more recent evolutionary development of the larynx muscles.

Paws For Life, California’s first and only program in a high-security prison involving inmates serving life-term sentences who train dogs previously on death row to increase their chances of adoption

Educational and behavioral interventions include training sessions that are highly structured and skills-oriented. This type of therapy helps autistic children to develop their social and language skills. This type of therapy also includes counseling for family members of the autistic child that helps them to cope with challenges they face.

The Japanese high speed trains (the Shinkansen) use a different gauge from the rest of the network. This is done to prevent any freight or slower traffic from using the network, and thus increase safety.

During WW2, the UK trained highly secret "Auxiliary Units" to disrupt a Nazi invasion with guerrilla tactics. The predicted life expectancy of these soldiers was just 12 days, with orders to shoot each other if capture seemed likely.

Jules Verne predicted several technological advances years ahead of their invention, including the powered submarine, glass skyscrapers, calculators, a worldwide communications network and high speed trains.

In 18th century England, wigs were highly prized, expensive status symbols. As a result, elaborate wig snatching schemes evolved, including training monkeys and dogs to steal them.

Endurance and high intensity training increases telomerase activity and telomere length (anti-aging effects), which are both important for cellular aging, regenerative capacity and thus, healthy aging. Interestingly, resistance training did not exert these effects

A train system was built that connects France and the UK via a tunnel called the Channel Tunnel. It was built as a high-speed passenger system.

Talismans are only valuable if written (or drawn) by a highly trained and qualified person who is considered to be in a state of purity.

Because it is far stronger than the gasoline engine, it is preferred in applications requiring high torque such as in trains and trucks.

London Black Cab drivers have to go through a highly intensive training known as “The Knowledge” which requires them to memorize hundreds of streets, routes, and back alleys. A training which can take years to complete.

Japan built a high speed train that started running in 1964. It was able to travel at speeds of 131 miles per hour. France built a high speed train in 2007 that could travel at 357 miles per hour.

Caffeine has been shown to improve endurance and performance in high-intensity sports. But research also notes that the improvement is mostly seen in trained athletes and may not be seen in people who exercise casually

Despite the popularity of the Japanese Shinkansen (high-speed train network), the opening of the first line was surrounded with controversy over the project's cost, leading to the resignation of its creator, Shinji Sogō

Scientists at Southwest Jiaotong University in China have built a prototype testing platform for a near-vacuum high-speed maglev train that is theoretically capable of reaching speeds up to 2900 km/h or about 1,800 mph.

There was once a Manhattan Trade High School for Girls. It was established by philanthropic reformers in 1902 to provide training for young women to work in trades such as garment factory work

Jules Verne wrote the novel "Paris in the Twentieth Century" back in 1863 and described a world of glass skyscrapers, high-speed trains, cities of elevator-equipped, gas-fuelled cars, subways, and a worldwide communications network.

In Star Wars Legends, Chewbacca had a high enough midi-chlorian count that he could have been trained as a Jedi.

New research has shown that it is possible to reverse muscle ageing through high-intensity interval training (HIIT)

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Highly Trained. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Highly Trained so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor