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Helsinki Finland facts

While investigating facts about Helsinki Finland Weather and Helsinki Finland Map, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The way Helsinki survived WW2. In 1944 the USSR began a massive air attack on the city to force Finland to leave the war. Finns used fires and searchlights to trick Soviet bombers into dropping bombs outside the city. Russian diplomats were surprised to find an intact Helsinki after the war.

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The fall of Nokia has decimated Finland's economy: "By 2000, Nokia accounted for a mindboggling 4% of Finnish GDP, 70% of Helsinki's stock exchange market capital, 43% of corporate R&D, 21% of total exports and 14% of corporate tax revenues. It was and still is unprecedented."

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what to buy in helsinki finland. Here are 20 of the best facts about Helsinki Finland Things To Do and Helsinki Finland Hotels I managed to collect.

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  1. Helsinki, Finland has an annual celebration called Dinner Under the Sky, where all Helsinkians can set up a table outside and enjoy their dinner on the city’s sidewalks, parks, or even in the middle of the busiest shopping streets.

  2. In 1987, a West German teenager named Mathias Rust illegally flew a plane from Helsinki, Finland to Moscow, landed in the Red Square, and evaded the entire Soviet air defence system.

  3. During the Winter War, the Soviet Union bombed Finland, afterwards claiming they were dropping food to the "starving people of Helsinki" - the Finnish dubbed the bombs "Molotov bread baskets", and in return, called their own firebombs "Molotov cocktails", as "a drink to go with the food."

  4. Finnish people living in the capital Helsinki refer to the outermost ring road surrounding the city as the "wolf border," with the implication that anything beyond it has no civilization/is savage. Outsiders then call the area inside the ring "the biggest psychiatric hospital in Finland."

  5. As of 2008, Swedish coins are now minted by Myntverket's parent company, Mint of Finland Ltd in Helsinki, Finland, ending a 1012 year history of minting Swedish coins in Sweden.

  6. The Burger King in Helsinki Finland has a sauna.

  7. Helsinki Art Museum in Finland has been renamed HAM

  8. Women's Health magazine rated Voss first among several bottled waters. However, in tests sponsored by Finland's national broadcasting company, three blindfolded wine experts rated Voss water lowest of the six waters tested, which included Helsinki public tap water.

  9. Casino Helsinki is one of the few casinos in the world, and the second in Finland which donates all of its profits to charity.

  10. Helsinki, Finland has the highest per capita concentration of artists of any city in Europe

helsinki finland facts
What to eat in helsinki finland?

Helsinki Finland data charts

For your convenience take a look at Helsinki Finland figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

helsinki finland fact data chart about Relationship between air temperature and bicycle traffic (He
Relationship between air temperature and bicycle traffic (Helsinki, Finland)

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You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

About Lentokenttä, a district of Vantaa, Finland, part of The Aviapolis major region which is named after Helsinki's airport. It has a population of 12, despite that the district is self sufficient and it has the highest single job concentration of Vantaa.

A wild moose broke into a bank in Helsinki, Finland - source

Anchorage, Alaska, is closer to Helsinki, Finland, than New York City. - source

Students in Helsinki, Finland have an annual carnival at the end of April where the main event involves putting a student cap on a 5 Meter tall nude statue.

Goerge Gaynes who played Commandant Lassard in the Police Academy was born in Finland, Helsinki 1917 that was under the Russain empire at the time. - source

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About Lentokenttä, a district of Vantaa, Finland, part of The Aviapolis major region which is named after Helsinki's airport. It has a population of 12, despite that it has the highest single job concentration of Vantaa.

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Finland has built out a 'shadow city' underneath its capital, Helsinki: it includes a "swimming pool, shopping district, church, hockey rink, data center and parking caverns .... Officials plan to continue expanding these spaces including another 200 underground structures."

Helsinki, Finland has a new movement of self-service city saunas, built and maintained by volunteers. The saunas are open 24/7 in the summertime and free for anyone to use. Come prepared to cut up your own firewood though: a saw and plenty of wood are provided.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Helsinki Finland. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Helsinki Finland so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor