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Halloween Costumes facts

While investigating facts about Halloween Costumes 2019 and Halloween Costumes Ideas, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The budget for the original 1978 film Halloween was so small that the actor playing Michael Myers was paid $20 per day and the original Michael Myers mask was purchased at a local costume shop for $1.29. The film grossed $47 million.

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Many cat shelters will not let you adopt black cats around Halloween for fear that they will be used for posing with costumes or worse, used for ritual slaughter

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what halloween costumes are all black. Here are 24 of the best facts about Halloween Costumes Heidi Klum and Halloween Costumes For Couples I managed to collect.

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  1. Before World War II, Thanksgiving was basically Halloween - poor people begged door-to-door, so rich people wore tattered costumes and did the same.

  2. Americans spend nearly $400 Million on Halloween pet costumes each year

  3. The tradition of dressing up in costumes on Halloween dates back to the ancient Celtics. They believed that by dressing up as spirits and demons they would blend in with the real spirits and demons roaming the streets and would be safe.

  4. The Halloween scene where ET sees a child in a Yoda costume & seems to recognize him suggest that they are from the same Galaxy.In Star Wars: Episode I. In the galactic senate scene where the senators are on their feet shouting,you can see in the lower right corner ET species in the senate pods.

  5. The mask worn by Michael Myers in the Halloween movie franchise was originally a mask of William Shatner’s face bought at a costume shop. It was modified during film production to the mask we know today.

  6. Common Halloween activities today include costume parties, trick-or-treating, apple bobbing, pranks, watching horror films and carving pumpkins.

  7. Activists in Saskatchewan, Canada placed warning stickers on Halloween costumes labelled 'Reservation Royalty', 'Native American Princess' and 'Wolf Dancer'. Their stickers said "Items in this package are offensive and promote the sexualisation of Indigenous women and peoples."

  8. Halloween was a “New Year” celebration in what is now Ireland and the UK. They would light bonfires and dress in costumes to ward off ghosts. In the eighth century, Pope Gregory lll made November 1st an “all saints day” and over time it evolved into what it is now.

  9. After Halloween kids vandalized property around Hiawatha, Kansas over the years, Elizabeth Krebs organized a townwide Halloween parade complete with games/costume contests in 1914 to reduce such incidents. This became a modern foundation of costumes for kids/adults and parties to this very day.

  10. In 2016 US consumers spent on average $82.93 on Halloween candy, costumes, and decorations.

halloween costumes facts
What halloween costumes are cultural appropriation?

Why are halloween costumes expensive?

You can easily fact check why scary costumes on halloween by examining the linked well-known sources.

Halloween costume maker Ben Cooper, Inc. had to destroy thousands of JFK masks after he was assassinated.

Americans spend half a billion dollars annually on Halloween costumes for their pets. - source

Jimi Halloween or mundane Halloween. Started by Japanese people who wanted to participate in Halloween, but were too embarrassed to go all out in witch or zombie costumes.” instead they decided to dress up in mundane, everyday costumes. The type of costumes that you have to explain to people. - source

There is an Japanese subculture that celebrates Halloween by dressing up in mundane and uninteresting costumes.

Ben Affleck once went to a costume store for Halloween to get a Batman suit for his son - And ran into Christian Bale there. When he asked for advice for the upcoming movie, Chris said: "Make sure you can piss in that suit!" - source

Halloween costumes when pregnant?

How to make a cheap yet scary Halloween costume

How i met your mother halloween costumes?

Best Halloween Costumes Ideas for Couples 2015

Best Halloween Costumes For Women 2015 You Must Consider

Current Chicago Cubs GM Theo Epstein resigned from the Red Sox in 2005, and walked out of Fenway Park in a gorilla costume. It was Halloween, and he didn't want to get mobbed by fans and media.

A man, Matthew Nieveen, dressed up as a breathalyzer for halloween. He then proceeded to get drunk and was arrested for a DUI while wearing the costume.

Before Halloween became popular in the 1950's people across the country - young and old - would dress up in costumes and go door to door asking for food or money on Thanksgiving Day (aka Ragamuffin Day)

When are halloween costumes on sale?

In 2000, an LAPD officer shot Actor Anthony Lee in the back of the head, and three times in the back, at a Halloween costume party. The officer was not charged.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Halloween Costumes. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Halloween Costumes so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor