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Guarded Secret facts

While investigating facts about Guarded Secrets and Guarded Secrets Wow, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The British are often referred to as “Limey” because of their army’s use of lime to prevent scurvy when at sea. The use of citrus was initially a closely guarded military secret as it gave them the ability to remain at sea for lengthy periods without contracting the disorder.

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In 1947, the Superman radio show did a series called "Clan of the Fiery Cross" in which they exposed many of the KKK's most guarded secrets. Within two weeks of the broadcast, KKK recruitment was down to zero. And by 1948, people were showing up to Klan rallies just to mock them.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the most guarded secret in the world. Here are 37 of the best facts about Guarded Secrets (1997) Watch Online and Guarded Secrets Forensic Files I managed to collect.

what became a closely guarded secret in china?

  1. A British POW started a hobby of stitching while in captivity. His work was so good it was hung on the wall by the German guards, not realising the secret message stitched on it. The message 'God Save The King' and 'F--- Hitler' was stitched in Morse code.

  2. Richard Nixon had the Secret Service uniform redesigned to closely resemble that of European palace guards. The "toy soldier" uniforms were universally ridiculed and only used for a few months before being mothballed; after a decade in storage they were sold to an Iowa high school marching band

  3. Robert Smalls who born into slavery stole a confederate military ship, disguised himself as a captain, used a secret code book and hand signals to pass Confederate guard ships, rescued slaves and families, worked as military advisor to the union until war ends and ran for Congress and won.

  4. In September 2006, Chinese Border Patrol guards opened fire on a group of Tibetan pilgrims moving slowly in deep snow, killing a 17-year-old girl. The incident is only known in the West because a Romanian mountain climber secretly recorded it

  5. The judge in the Terri Schiavo case had to be flown to a secret location to make a final decision to take her off life support, he wore a bullet-proof vest after her death and had cops on land and water guarding his home, and had to quit his church. He also was Jim Morrison's college roommate.

  6. "Greek fire" was an effective incendiary weapon used by the Romans, which could not be put out by water. It was often used in naval battles, where it was fired via pressurised nozzles. The secrets of its production were closely guarded, and its composition remains unknown today.

  7. An Afghan tank commander reported to his president that Marxists planned to attack the capital. Subsequently, the President ordered tanks to guard it. The tanks then turned their guns on the palace and ultimately killed the him. The tank commander himself was secretly the Marxist general.

  8. I learned of camp 1391, a "secret" Israeli prison where prisoners are locked in a 2m by 2m cell, are sexually and physically abused by the guards. No lawyers or human rights activists are allowed in.

  9. The pastry known as a "Persian". Available only in the Canadian city of Thunder Bay it's recipe is a tightly guarded secret to the point that people don't actually know what kind of berry is used for the topping.

  10. The recipe for Angostura Bitters is a closely guarded secret, with only one person, passed hereditarily, knowing the whole recipe.

guarded secret facts
In the benin culture what process was a closely guarded secret?

What is true about guarded secret?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

The Eleusinian Mysteries, 3 secret rites shared (on some years) among thousands of participants, was a central component of a yearly Greek ceremony honoring the goddess Demeter. It was practiced for ~1000 years but the secrets were so well guarded that scholars have no idea what they were.

Winston Churchill had a secret Transatlantic radio-telephone link directly to the White House disguised as a private toilet. The door had no guards or security locks, only a standard "VACANT/ENGAGED" toilet lock. - source

The reason JFK was seen as tanned, virile, and healthy was because of an autoimmune disease causing him to overproduce skin pigment. His family kept this a closely guarded secret for obvious reasons. - source

Because nuclear weapons secrets are so closely guarded and because governments don't acknowledge leaks of nuclear secrets, any publicly available descriptions of how nuclear weapons work rely to some degree on speculation, reverse engineering, and comparisons to related fields of physics.

Arab traders in the 13th century created myth that pepper was cultivated in India “guarded” by serpents to maintain their monopoly, keep their source a secret and inflate its price - source

When was guaranteed minimum pension introduced?

An African American secret service agent that guarded JFK was arrested and imprisoned on bribery charges in 1964. Coincidentally he was going to tell the Warren Commission that his fellow agents were intoxicated most of the time and had a lackadaisical approach to their job

Some airport sniffer dogs are trained to detect the particular ink used in printing the bills. The exact composition of legal tender, including the formula for ink, is a closely guarded secret.

About the crash of TWA514. On 1Dec74 a 727 crashed onto a mountain in northern virginia. Upon arriving in the area of the site, searchers, rescuers, & reporters found checkpoints and armed guards for a previously secret US Govt installation used for continuity of the US federal government.

A song named Have mercy upon me O' god, meant for exclusive playing in the Sistine chapel, and it's composition was kept a close guarded secret. Until it was listened to by 14 year old Mozart in a performance, after going home he nearly flawlessly copied it down on paper.

On the post STS-3 goodwill tour in Beijing, Commander Lousma displayed a photo of a beautiful emerald lake in China and was caught off guard by the audience's reaction. He later learned that the picture was likely of a secret atomic test site for the Chinese nuclear weapons program.

Jenna Miscavige Hill, daughter of Scientology leader David Miscavige, first learned of the church's closely-guarded secret doctrines concerning aliens via the "South Park" episode "Trapped in the Closet"

When is guaranteed minimum pension payable?

The Plymouth Superbird's rear wing height, thought to be a guarded Chrysler secret, was designed so the trunk could open freely.

There have been 3 Cod Wars between the UK and Iceland involving disputes of Iceland's fishery zone. This included the deployment of four warships from the British Navy, and deployment of net cutting secret weapons by the Icelandic Coast Guard

The first CIA agent KIA was shot by Tibetan border guards. His star, #1, wasn't acknowledged until 2000, and only in a secret ceremony.

That military tanks are called 'tanks', because, when first developed in WWI, their original purpose was a closely guarded secret; and the people building them were told they were producing 'mobile water tanks'.

The Belgian Malinois (Belgium's Shepherd dog) is used by the US Secret service to guard the White House

La Recta Provincia, a secret society of alleged warlocks who, in the 1880s, were accused of Mafia-style murder and kidnapping. At their trial, the members themselves laid claim to wearing "magic" waistcoats made of human skin and tortuously deforming children into cave-guarding monsters.

Tea was brought to India in 1848 by the British to spite China and break their monopoly. Til then, tea planting and cultivation was a guarded Chinese state secret. Robert Fortune, sent by the EIC, stole tea plants and brought back farmers that could plant and process tea in India.

An Afghan tank commander reported to his president that Marxists planned to attack the capital. Subsequently, the President ordered tanks to guard it. The tanks then turned their guns on the palace and ultimately killed the him. The tank commander himself was secretly the Marxist general.

Former President Richard Nixon gave up his Secret Service protection in 1985 in favor of private security guards, saving taxpayers around $3 million annually

About a closely guarded secret from the meat industry, where they use an enzyme ("Meat Glue") to stitch together smaller pieces of meat to make a larger cut.

Coca Cola's formula is a closely guarded secret to this day, and very few people in the world know the formula for Coca Cola syrup

In 270 BC Mauryan Empror Ashoka founded a secret society to preserve and develop knowledge that would be dangerous to humanity if it fell into the wrong hands. The nine unknown men were entrusted with guarding nine books of secret knowledge.

Baby diapers' manufacturing assembly lines move so fast, the process is a closely guarded trade secret and you will never see one in action

The Klu Klux Klan's membership rates dropped to near zero after many closely guarded secretes were revealed on The Adventures of Superman radio show.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Guarded Secret. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Guarded Secret so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor