Incredible and fun facts to explore

Genetic Engineering facts

While investigating facts about Genetic Engineering Definition and Genetic Engineering Examples, I found out little known, but curios details like:

In order to protect people in the future from radioactive waste, two philosophers proposed we genetically engineer cats to change color when exposed to radiation then create folklore and songs about the cats.

how genetic engineering works?

Scientists have successfully genetically engineered American chestnut trees to resist the blight that annihilated them, bringing back a species from functional extinction.

What genetic engineering can do?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what genetic engineering means. Here are 50 of the best facts about Genetic Engineering Pros And Cons and Genetic Engineering Process I managed to collect.

what genetic engineering is used for?

  1. The First Extinct Plant to be Restored by Genetic Engineering is the American Chestnut Tree, Which is Currently Seeking Approval by the US Government for Public Distribution

  2. Babies are (probably) genetically engineered to look more like their fathers than their mothers, so that fathers will be inclined to believe their paternity.

  3. Genetically engineered "ray cats" with fur that changed colour in the presence of radiation were considered by scientists to warn future civilisations of nuclear waste

  4. There is such thing as Cotton Candy grapes that legitimately taste like cotton candy and involves no genetic engineering or artificial flavors

  5. Scientists Genetically Engineered Flies to Ejaculate Under Red Light. Their experiments confirm that sex is pleasurable, even for animals we think of as simple.

  6. Red Delicious apples were genetically engineered to look great, with no regard for taste.

  7. In 2008, students at iGem genetically engineered yoghurt bacteria to produce a protein that prevents harmful bacteria from colonizing teeth, creating possibly tooth-cleaning yoghurt.

  8. The California grizzly bear, depicted on California's state flag, has been extinct since the 1920s due to over-hunting. It has been considered as a candidate for deextinction in California through back-breeding, cloning and genetic engineering.

  9. Duke is using genetically engineered Poliovirus to target brain cancer

  10. In 1984, the creation of an atomic priesthood to generate a religious mythology involving genetically engineered cats that would glow in the presence of radioactive waste was proposed to warn future generations of the danger and location of radioactive waste in New Mexico.

genetic engineering facts
What genetic engineering do?

Genetic Engineering data charts

For your convenience take a look at Genetic Engineering figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

genetic engineering fact data chart about Percentage of All Corn Planted that is Genetically Engineere
Percentage of All Corn Planted that is Genetically Engineered

Why genetic engineering is ethical?

You can easily fact check why genetic engineering is considered an ethical issue by examining the linked well-known sources.

"Star Wars" creator George Lucas personally funded "Jurassic Park" paleontologist Jack Horner's "Build a Dinosaur" (a.k.a "chickenosaurus") project, a bid to "reverse genetically engineer a living dinosaur using chicken DNA".

Monsanto once tried to genetically engineer blue cotton, to produce denim without the use of dyes, reducing the pollution involved in the dyeing process. - source

Scientists at the University of Osaka in Japan have used genetic engineering to produce a mouse that sings like a bird. - source

Besides selective breeding, new varieties of corn are produced via genetic engineering. Scientists can alter color and the size of kernels, improve nutritional value and develop varieties that are resistant to pests, herbicides and drought.

It is possible to genetically engineer a chicken to show dinosaur like traits such as teeth and tails, and that in time we may be able to do the whole jurrasic park thing and make dinosaur like creatures from turning on specific genes in birds. - source

When genetic engineering was discovered?

Californian scientists have spent a decade tweaking an algae genome so that it produces more than twice as much fat than wild versions of the same species. They believe that fattened, genetically engineered algae could one day become the world's most efficient source of fuel.

How genetic engineering is used to produce novel products?

The Army Wants to Make Body Armor Out of Genetically Engineered Spider Silk

Stanford University scientists have genetically engineered yeast that can convert sugar into hydrocodone

His textbook, Recombinant DNA, described genetic engineering and the function of organisms and is still in print.

Scientists are working on the project aimed to revive the passenger pigeon (this method is called de-extinction). DNA of the closest living species of pigeon can be modified to resemble DNA of passenger pigeon via genetic engineering. Newly formed DNA should be inserted into the reproductive cells of embryo of band-tailed pigeon and one day, when band-tailed pigeon becomes old enough to reproduce, it will produce eggs with passenger pigeons inside.

Researchers have genetically engineered cattle to lack the protein which causes mad cow disease.

When did genetic engineering start?

Butterfinger candy bars were banned in Germany after Greenpeace launched a successful campaign to remove them from supermarkets, due to the presence of genetically-modified ingredients. The wrapper of every Butterfinger states "Partially produced with genetic engineering" in the fine print

Cats genetically engineered to change color when exposed to radiation, "ray cats", were proposed as a possible method of protecting future humans from nuclear waste sites.

More than 80% of corn grown in the US is genetically engineered to express a certain insect-killing protein from a bacteria normally found in bug guts and animal feces.

A man genetically engineered goats to produce spider silk that could be extracted and spun from the goats milk.

Engineers genetically modified E. Coli bacteria to generate propane from sugar through a modified metabolic pathway

How genetic engineering is done?

"Gene Drive" is a genetic engineering technology that could be used to artificially alter the genetic make up of entire populations within several generations (depending on how it is deployed).

About Ubre Blanca, a genetically engineered cow from Cuba that set world record for milk production. Fidel Castro called her, "Our great champion" and there is now statue of her in Nueva Gerona.

Scientists have created 'alien' DNA from artificial genetic letters and engineered bacteria that use this DNA to make new proteins.

The Impossible Burger developed by Impossible Foods keeps it texture and flavor due to a protein "Heme" which is created through a patented process derived from "Genetically Modified Yeast" that has been engineered to produce it from soy leghemoglobin.

The Audubon science center genetically engineered cats that glow green in an effort to save endangered species.

Scientists have genetically engineered kittens that glow in the dark using jellyfish genes and they're being used to research AIDS

Before scientists were able to genetically engineer bacteria to produce human insulin, those afflicted with insulin dependent diabetes often used insulin from pigs.

One way to warn future civilizations about radioactive waste would be to genetically engineer a breed of cat that changes color in its presence then immortalize them in song and legend.

11 Rhesus Monkeys were Genetically Engineered to Have Human Brain Genes by Chinese Scientists

There is a genetically engineered mouse called "Brainbow" in which individual neurons express fluorescent proteins to help visualize how neurons are connected in the brain. These fluorescent brain maps are strikingly beautiful.

A genetically engineered bacterium could have killed all life on earth by killing all plants.

We have made huge advances in genetic engineering in the last 2 years thanks to something called "crispr", which has made genome editing faster, cheaper and much more accurate.

The Darling American Chestnut, a project to save the critically endangered American Chestnut with genetic engineering

A British biotech company that engineers genetically modified insects to assist in pest control

Natural (original) color of the flower is purple-pink. Carnations in various shades of white, yellow, orange, red and green were created by humans. Most varieties of carnations were produced via selective breeding. Blue-mauve type of carnation was produced via genetic engineering.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Genetic Engineering. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Genetic Engineering so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor