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Flag Flown facts

While investigating facts about Flag Flown Over Capitol and Flag Flown Upside Down, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The flag of the Philippines is flown with the red side on the upper side in times of war and the blue side on the upper side during times of peace.

how to get a flag flown over the white house?

When musician Israel Kamakawiwo'ole passed in 1997, he was the first and only citizen to receive the honor of having the Hawaii state flag flown at half-staff. His coffin was allowed to "lay in state" in the capitol building. Since then, in 2003 a bronze bust of Brother Iz was erected on O'ahu.

4 events at which the national flag is flown?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering when is the flag flown at half staff. Here are 50 of the best facts about Flag Flown Over Pentagon and Flag Flown Over White House I managed to collect.

when should the flag be flown at half staff?

  1. When flown at half-staff, the American flag should be first hoisted to the peak for an instant and then lowered to the half-staff position

  2. The reason flags are flown at half-mast when a person dies is to make room for the invisible flag of death

  3. In 1969, upon request from Richard Nixon, NASA made 250 display plaques for the 50 US states, 135 countries, and the UN. Flags from all the countries and states were flown on board Apollo 11 to the moon and back, and were gifted to each respective state along with fragments of the lunar surface.

  4. The Filipino flag is flown with the red stripe up in times of war and blue stripe up in times of peace.

  5. Boris Yeltsin signed a presidential decree in 1996 that gave the old Soviet flag similar status as the Russian national flag and it is still flown on certain holidays

  6. The flag of Saudi Arabia is never flown at half-mast as a sign of mourning, as lowering it is considered blasphemous.

  7. On Memorial day, the US Flag should be flown at half mast from dawn to noon only. From noon to dusk it should be flown at full.

  8. The Confederate Battle Flag was first flown above the South Carolina State House in 1962 in defiance of the Civil Rights Movement

  9. The French ensign (French flag flown at sea) is not equally proportioned in its sections (30:33:37) because it was intended to look equal only when moving

  10. The flag is flown at half-staff during periods of mourning to make room for the "invisible flag of death" above it.

flag flown facts
When should the flag be flown at half mast?

Why should the flag be flown at half mast?

You can easily fact check why is the flag flown at half-mast today by examining the linked well-known sources.

The Canadian government gives Canadians the flags flown on parliament. The current waiting list for a flag is 42 years .

The flag is supposed to be flown at half-mast until noon, and then raised to full mast until sunset on Memorial Day.

Flags of Islamic countries nearly always incorporate black, white, green, and red (representing the Rashidun, Umayyad, and Fatimid Caliphates, and the Khawarij, respectively). Recently, Jihadist flags have mimicked the solid white and black flags flown by Muhammad according to the hadith.

Despite the rule of raising the American flag at sunrise and lowering it as sunset, it is flown 24 hours at several locations, which is done by law or by presidential proclamation.

When should the flag be flown at half staff?

There is a town in Brazil that has a large population of people descended from Civil War soldiers who fled there after the war. They have an annual festival called the Festa Confederada, where southen activites take place, people dress as southerners, and Confederate flags are flown.

How to get a flag flown in combat?

The flag flown at Fort McHenry and made famous by 'The Star-Spangled Banner' was 30 foot by 42 foot wide, which is why Francis Scott Key could see it so easily

The Six Flags amusement park's flags are the six flags that have flown over Texas. Namely France, Spain, US, Republic of Texas, Mexico and the Confederate flags.

It's a modern idea that the British Union Flag should only be described as the Union Jack when flown in the bows of a warship, and as recently as 1908 Parliament stated that “the Union Jack should be regarded as the National flag”.

The flags of Saudi Arabia, Somaliland and Iran are never flown at half-mast, because the inscription on them is considered holy.

The Japanese national flag flown today is the same as the one flown in WW2. The "Rising Sun" flag is actually the flag of the army and navy and was never the official flag of the Japanese state. The Rising Sun flag is still flown to this day on Japanese navy ships.

When is the flag flown at half staff?

The Finnish flag is typically flown from 8 am until sunset, with one notable exception: On midsummer (juhannus) it is flown overnight until the following evening.

Only the Serbian and French Flag was flown over the White House - besides the American

The flag is to be flown at half-mast when it is used to honor an important citizen listed in the Law of National Flag.

.. before 15 February 1965, when the Maple Leaf flag was first flown, Canada did not have an official state flag.

The Confederate flag was designed in Alabama and was also first flown there in 1861.

How to get a flag flown over the capitol?

One flag flown by the Texans from the Battle of the Alamo survives to this day and is now in a Mexican Museum.

The U.S. Capitol has a flag program, allowing anyone to dedicate/own a flag flown over the Capitol Building.

On Victoria Day federal protocol dictates that the Royal Union Flag should be flown at all federal government buildings from sun up until sun down.

The Canadian flag is often flown at half-mast upon the death of a police officer in the line of duty

You can buy an American flag that has been flown over the Capitol

Princess Margriet was born in Ottawa, Canada during WW2. The hospital ward was named extraterritorial for one day to allow the princess to retain Dutch nationality. To commerate the birth the Dutch flag was flown over the Canadian parliament building.

On the deck of the ship that the Japanese surrendered to the Allies on at the end of WWII, the flag flown by Commodore Perry, who had forced Japan to open it's ports to foreign trade 82 years before, was displayed

When Colonel Sanders died in 1980 the Governor of Kentucky flew State building's flags at half-mast. They were flown this was for four days.

Six Flags is named after the six flags that have flown over Texas: Spain, France, Republic of Texas, United States of America, and the Confederate States of America.

Despite nearly everyone calling it the Union Jack, the flag of the UK should only be referred to as such when flown at sea.

In American English, a flag flown halfway up its flagpole as a symbol of mourning is at "half-staff" if it's on a building or the ground, while a flag flown halfway up a ship’s mast to signal mourning or distress is at "half-mast"

The current New Zealand flag was first flown in combat in the very odd Battle of the River Plate (which was also the first naval battle of WW2).

The Jolly Roger, the infamour pirates flag was flown by British submarines after successful mission during WW1. The practice was continued through WW2 and the Falklands and still happens today.

About the giant monumental flags of Mexico, which are flown over significant locations in the country as a symbol of unity.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Flag Flown. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Flag Flown so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor