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Falkland Islands facts

While investigating facts about Falkland Islands War and Falkland Islands Weather, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The Falkland Islands minefields have become a large nature reserve for Penguins, who aren't heavy enough to detonate them.

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There are over 1 million penguins who live in the Falkland Island minefields because they're too light to set off the mines

What is the population of the falkland islands?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what to do in falkland islands. Here are 43 of the best facts about Falkland Islands Map and Falkland Islands Population I managed to collect.

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  1. Penguins are too light to set off landmines, which has resulted in penguins flourishing in the Falkland Islands due to the landmines left behind by the Argentinian military and whalers being unable to get at them.

  2. In 2013 the Falkland Islands held a referendum about remaining British or becoming Argentinian, only 3 persons voted in favor of Argentina.

  3. In 1812 Charles Barnard, a captain of an American sealer ship, rescued marooned British sailors from the Falkland Islands despite the 2 countries being at war. While he searched for provisions, the British sailors stole his ship and he himself was marooned for 18 months.

  4. When asked by London on whether the rumours regarding the Argentinian invasion of the Falklands islands were true, a Telex operator on the island simply said, "We have lots of new friends".

  5. Argentina has claims to part of Antarctica, the South Sandwich Islands, South Georgia, and the Falkland Islands.

  6. There is an abandoned but remarkably well preserved 136 year old three mast barque "floating" in Stanley Harbour, East Falkland Islands.

  7. The 'Red Cross Box' during the Falklands War, a neutral zone near the islands where British and Argentinian hospital ships worked in co-operation to treat the wounded of both sides.

  8. Falkland island has thousands of landmines on areas where over 1 million penguins live, but the penguins are luckily too light to detonate them

  9. To fight Argentina in the Falkland Island War, the UK needed critical parts for aging bomber planes. A hard to find part was discovered on an engineer's desk. He was using it as an ashtray.

  10. The two territories in South America include the Falkland Islands (U.K) and French Guiana (Fr.).

falkland islands facts
What are the falkland islands?

Why falkland islands are british?

You can easily fact check why did argentina invade the falkland islands by examining the linked well-known sources.

In 1833 Britain reasserted its claim to the Falkland Islands but Argentina still maintains its own claim.

The number of casualties in the Falklands War exceeded the population of the Falkland Islands - source

Whilst being invaded by the Argentinian Navy, the Falkland Island Defence Force told London "we have lots of new friends" - source

Argentina invaded a small British colony in 1982 called the Falkland Islands which became a 2 month long conflict where about 900 died and about 2,400 were injured, causing Britain and Argentina to sever relations until 1989.

Britain and Spain almost went to war over the Falkland Islands in 1770. - source

When did the falkland islands become british?

The UK and all the Commonwealth nations and territories celebrate the Queen's birthday on different days. Only the Falkland Islands celebrate the Queen's birthday on the actual day of her birth, April 21st.

How do you get to the falkland islands?

In the Falkland Islands, sheep outnumber humans at a ratio of 350:1

The Falklands War greatly benefited the islands. Sheep was the only industry in 1982, but increased attention from the war brought tourists, fishing, and oil production. Falklanders are much wealthier than Britons; one said "we were the luckiest people that was ever mixed up in a war".

In 1832 the United States of America raided the Falkland Islands

During the falklands war the british royal marines marched across the islands, covering 56 miles (90 km) in three days carrying 80-pound (36 kg) loads.

The Argentine Military Cemetery, Falklands Islands. It was built by the British government to house the Argentine soldiers killed in the Falklands war after the Argentine government refused offers to repatriate the bodies, believing they were already in their homeland

When did britain claim the falkland islands?

In the Argentine invasion of the Falkland Islands the communication from Port Stanley to London: "We have lots of new friends."

One night in November 1878 a peat landslide cut the city of Stanley, Falkland Islands clean in half. The next morning, a boat was necessary to travel between the two halves.

A French "invasion" on British soil. In 1998, the Minquiers, a small group of islands in the English Channel, was invaded by 7 French men on behalf of the "King of Patagonia" in retaliation for the British occupation of the Falkland Islands. The Union Jack was restored the next day.

The British believed that it was so unlikely that the Falkland Islands would be invaded, they had no contingency plan in place. The task force was put together from just about anything available within a matter of days.

The Falkland Islands, located in the Argentine Sea have been in dispute between the UK and Argentina, due to controversy over the islands" discovery and colonization. There have been settlements over the years by British, French, Spanish, and Argentines.

How big are the falkland islands?

The warrah, an extinct species of wolf native to the Falkland Islands. It is unknown how the animal settled there, with the main theory being that it crossed an ice bridge between South America and the Falklands during the last Ice Age, leaving it stranded on the islands for millennia.

Despite military action from Argentina, Britain still maintains control of the Falkland Islands

Penguin News, a newspaper produced in the Falkland Islands got huge criticism in 2012 when on its website, the file name for a picture of then Argentine President Cristina Kirchner was discovered to be "bitch.jpg". The editor blamed it on a colleague with "dry humor".

The now-extinct Falkland Islands Wolf was the only mammal native to the Falklands. Its ancestors likely reached the Islands by crossing sea ice during the last ice age.

Penguins on the Falkland Islands were used as fuel for whale rendering in the 1800s.

The Falklands Islands, with less than 4000 people, and a British territory, had their own currency

The Legislative Assembly of the Falkland Islands has only two legislative constituencies: Stanley (The capital city) and Camp (the rest of the territory)

The argentine 50$ features the falkland islands, the argentine president said "We live in a changing world. I have endless confidence that we will recover these islands".

The CIA planned to kick the British off of the Falklands, send them to Scotland, and give the islands to Argentina.

About the Falkland Islands. When invaded by Argentina in april 1982 the beaches were filled with landmines. These mines were hard to remove so got left behind, thanks to this danger the area was untouched causing the islands penguin community to thrive in an old warzone.

After Argentina surrendered to the UK in the Falkland Island war, Argentina still considered the Island their territory, and do to this day.

Fez from That 70's Show was born in the Falkland Islands

The USA almost sided with Argentina over The Falkland islands.

The United States is the only country which, on average, has more civilian owned guns than they do civilians. Per 100 civilians there are 120 civilian owned guns - the second highest scorer is the Falkland Islands, at 62.1 guns per 100 civilians.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Falkland Islands. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Falkland Islands so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor