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Enemy Territory facts

While investigating facts about Enemy Territory Quake Wars and Enemy Territory Movie, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Julius Caesar would personally conduct espionage on his enemies. Once, he even dressed up as a Gaul and snuck behind enemy lines. When his soldiers failed to sneak him back, he boarded a Gaul ship blockading the Romans and sailed back into Roman territory without anyone noticing.

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Marine biologists are claiming there is a rare instance of non-human warfare happening between octopuses in the waters off the coast of Australia. The octopuses are fighting in large groups over territory and even using projectiles such as seashells to spit at enemies.

What's another word for enemy territory?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's the enemy territory. Here are 30 of the best facts about Enemy Territory Legacy and Enemy Territory Quake Wars Download I managed to collect.

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  1. When Louis the XIV of France was shown a new map of his country, which had been freshly surveyed by astronomers using more accurate methods, he saw that France had shrunk by 20 percent. He is said to have exclaimed, "I have just lost more territory to my astronomers than to all my enemies!"

  2. Carlos Hathcock crawled over 1500 yards in enemy territory over three days to shoot a general in the heart. On a separate mission he shot an enemy sniper through their scope.

  3. The US created a bomb containing hibernating bats with a timed incendiary device. Launched at dawn the bats would inhabit nearby attics up to a 40 mile radius setting fire to enemy territory. They named it the Bat Bomb.

  4. An American group from Harvard set out to observe the solar eclipse of Oct 27, 1780, with the Revolutionary War in full swing. Though the Brits granted them safe passage (sought in the name of science) into what was enemy territory, they still failed to witness totality due to miscalculations.

  5. The Supreme Court ruled in 1898 there are only three exceptions to birthright citizenship under the 14th Amendment: Those born from foreign leaders or diplomats, on foreign public ships, and from hostile enemy forces occupying US territory.

  6. Lord Robert Baden-Powell, the founder of the Boy Scouts Association, was a spy for the British army in the late 1800s, and often disguised himself as a butterfly collector when in enemy territory, encoding hidden messages into his diary drawings of butterflies and moths.

  7. During WWII American pilots found a way to manufacture ice cream on board. They would “place prepared ice-cream mixture in a large can and anchor it to the rear gunner's compartment of a Flying Fortress. It is well shaken up and nicely frozen by flying over enemy territory at high altitudes."

  8. German tanks and mechanized infantry would then thrust quickly and deep into enemy territory. The use of mechanized infantry first played a major role in World War II and was crucial to a successful blitzkrieg campaign.

  9. The Special Atomic Demolition Munition (SADM), a rucksack-size nuclear bomb fielded by the US in the 60's. If war broke out, specially trained combat engineers would parachute into enemy territory with the device and sabotage bridges, dams, power plants, among others.

  10. The 1979 movie "The Warriors" was based on Xenophon's "Anabasis" about 10,000 Greek warriors who were trapped in hostile territory, surrounded by enemies and had to fight their way home.

enemy territory facts
What is an incursion into enemy territory?

Why are enemy combatants held at guantanamo bay cuba?

You can easily fact check why are enemy combatants held at guantanamo bay by examining the linked well-known sources.

During WW2, allied pilots, paratroopers, and commandos were given "Asshole Compasses" inside of escape kits to use in the event of being caught in enemy territory. The kits included escape maps, a hacksaw blade and phrase cards, and a north seeking compass small enough to hide anywhere...

Troops of chimpanzees will hunt, kill and cannibalise rival chimps in their territory. It is unknown whether they actually need the meat as part of their diet or if eating their enemies is a group bonding exercise. - source

An American group from Harvard set out to observe the solar eclipse of Oct 27, 1780, with the Revolutionary War in full swing. Though the Brits granted them safe passage (sought in the name of science) into what was enemy territory, they still failed to witness totality due to miscalculations. - source

The term "land mine" originated from the military strategy of digging mineshafts under enemy territory and filling them with explosives that were then detonated.

The Soviet Union successfully used horse cavalry against the Nazis during WW2. They were often grouped together with fast moving tanks to push deep into enemy territory once a breakthrough in the front had been achieved. - source

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The USAF had a concept to increase the combat radius of jet fighters by attaching them to a bomber, one hooked up to each wingtip. The hope was that it would increase fuel efficiency, effective range and allow the bomber to carry its own fighter escort into enemy territory.

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Endocannibals only eat members of the same family or community whereas Exocannibals eat enemies captured in war or foreigners who wandered onto the tribe's territory

Alexey Maresyev was a Soviet fighter ace during WWII shot down behind enemy lines on 4 April 1942. It took him 18 days to get back to Soviet-controlled territory, and his injuries had become so bad he lost both legs. He spent a year mastering his prostheses and returned to flying in June 1943.

24 hours before the invasion of mainland Italy, Brigadier General Maxwell Tayor infiltrated into enemy territory, met with the Italian head of state, and secured Italy's capitulation to the allies. He then went on to command the 101st Airborne Devision's invasion of Europe.

76 countries and territories use left-hand traffic, and the practice is believed to have originated in ancient Rome to help defend against enemy attacks.

The US Air Force has 'Special Operations Weather Technicians' tasked with performing meteorological research from inside enemy territory.

Interesting facts about enemy territory

The US committed serious time and resources in developing bat and bird kamikaze bombers that would carry incendiary and chemical bombs into enemy civilian territory.

During WW2 A U.S fighter pilot shot down a fellow U.S plane in order to save them from landing in enemy territory, the fighter pilot would go on to marry a nurse that was on the plane he shot down

An ancient Roman priest called the fetial, would ceremonially declare war on an enemy of Rome by throwing a javelin dipped in blood into the enemy's territory.

The Warriors [1979]" was influenced by the documented events of 401BC where 10,000 Greek Mercenaries were stranded deep in enemy territory, Persia, and had to march back to Greece.

The Star Wars (1977) attack run scene was heavily influenced by the Dam Busters (1955) bombing run (based on the true story of a low flying bombing run, deep in Axis territory, amidst enemy fire, with a very narrow target window to hit a weak point in enourmous enemy targets. Sound familiar?).

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The song of the airborne troups of the French Legion Étrangère "The legion marches on the front", originally formed after WW2, is just a version of the hymn of the nazi Waffen-SS, the "SS marches in enemy's territory", minor changes only.

About the "Toughest" Vietnam Soldier Sgt. Roy Benavidez. He made multiple trips into enemy territory to carry out wounded comrades while sustaining multiple gunshot injuries to the head, face, legs , and arms under heavy enemy fire.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Enemy Territory. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Enemy Territory so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor