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Educate Public facts

While investigating facts about Educate Public, I found out little known, but curios details like:

In 1949 the Costa Rican government abolished their army, stating that the army "would be replaced with an army of teachers." The country has free universal public education and a literacy rate of 97%.

Elton John was inspired by Ryan White to get sober and fight AIDS. White contracted HIV at 13 through a contaminated blood treatment. He was expelled from school and suffered discrimination. He educated the public and raised awareness for HIV/AIDS until his death, age 18, in 1990.

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 50 of the best facts about Educate Public I managed to collect.

  1. The "ALS Ice Bucket Challenge" that swept the Internet in 2014 raised $115 million, of which 67% went to research, 20% to patient and community services, and 9% to public and professional education. In addition, the ALS Association has since tripled its annual budget for research.

  2. That, in response to Brown vs. Board of Education, Prince Edward County, Virginia closed all public schools for 5 years rather than integrate them

  3. The Original Illuminati was an Enlightenment-era secret society in Bavaria created on May 1st 1776, The society's goals were to oppose superstition, prejudice, religious influence over public life and abuses of state power, and to support women's education and gender equality.

  4. Antartic explorer George Murray Levick in 1911-12 observed penguins' sexual habits, which included sexual coercion, sex among males and sex with dead females; as these notes were deemed indecent for publication, he wrote them in Greek so that only an educated gentleman could read them

  5. A 2007 study found that men are more likely than women to believe "women should have the right to breastfeed in public places," "it is appropriate to show a woman breastfeeding her baby on TV programs," and "breastfeeding education should be available as part of a high school health education."

  6. Israel is considered a global leader in medical cannabis research and innovation, ctizens caught using cannabis in public cannot be arrested but may face fines, with the money collected from these fines going to education and rehabilitation programs

  7. It costs $88,000 per year to keep a minor incarcerated but only $12,500 per year to educate them in public schools.

  8. In 2013 the US Government spent more on financial aid than it would cost to provide the education of public universities for free.

  9. Mount Kosciuszko was thought to be the highest mountain in Australia until Mount Townsend was found to be slightly taller. Rather than re-educating the public that Townsend was the new highest mountain, the New South Wales Lands Department simply switched their names.

  10. Sewer Socialists got their name from their perpetual boasting about the public sewer system in Milwaukee. They fought to clean up the pollution of the Industrial Revolution, setting up new sanitation systems, city-owned water and power systems, and improving education in Wisconsin.

educate public facts
What are the best facts about Educate Public?

Educate Public data charts

For your convenience take a look at Educate Public figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

educate public fact data chart about Public Spending on Childcare & Early Education vs Women in P
Public Spending on Childcare & Early Education vs Women in Parliament (2015)

educate public fact data chart about Cost of a public 4-year education from 1984 to 2018..
Cost of a public 4-year education from 1984 to 2018..

What is true about educate public?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

In Saudi Arabia there is a "religious police" created to enforce Sharia law. In 2009, the they created and formalized a special "Anti-Witchcraft Unit" to "educate the public about the evils of sorcery".

There no rats in Alberta. The province is rat-free and there is a program to keep it that way. Public education is directed toward identification of rats and rat signs. The discovery of a rat in Edmonton or Calgary receives full media coverage. - source

Kublai Khan, although known as a warlord, promoted education & built over 20,000 public schools during his reign - source

When the Soviet Union launched the 1st satellite (Sputnik) into space in 1957, the event created such a profound public shock in the US that, in less than a year, congress had increased education funding six-fold and Eisenhower had signed the National Aeronautics and Space Act - creating NASA.

A Russian Gov't Newspaper takes out 8 page ads in major publications (including New York Times and Wall Stree Journal) to target "educated, socially active and wealthy people" with pro-Russia articles. - source

Lifelong racial segregationist Strom Thurmond fathered a daughter with his parent's African American maid. He never publicly acknowledged her, but paid for her education and met with her in secrecy.

In October 2006 he was elected to the new Chair in the Public Engagement in Science in recognition of his efforts of public education in the field of science.

When Pop Rocks first came out, the FDA set up a hotline to assure callers that the fizzing candy would not cause children to choke. General Foods sent letters to school principals, created an open letter to parents, took out ads, and sent the candy's inventor on the road to educate the public.

She attended public school until she was seven and the teacher refused to teach her long division. Her father then founded an educational program in her neighborhood where Susan and her siblings and other children were taught.

In 1852 Massachusetts became the first U.S. state to enact a compulsory public education law. It required cities and towns to offer schooling and set fines for parents who didn’t send their children.

In response to desegregation Prince Edward County, Virginia shut down all public schools from 1959 - 1964, sending white children to newly formed whites-only private schools, denying education to black children for five years.

Educate public infographics

Beautiful visual representation of Educate Public numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

educate public fact infographic about Public education vs. intelligence: a comparison of randomly

Public education vs. intelligence: a comparison of randomly selected nations in The Pacific

Interesting facts about educate public

Some of these important positions included work in statistics, weights and measures, and meteorology, although his work in setting educational standards for public schools may have been the most vital to the country as a whole.

This bill also now mandates that there are educational programs on the history of the Constitution in all publicly funded schools on Constitution Day.

In 1988 C. Everett Koop sent every household in America a booklet on HIV/AIDS education. With 107 million households it remains the largest public health mailing ever done.

As a child Pericles avoided public appearances and preferred to focus on his education. His family's wealth allowed this.

He was interested in education and lectured on the topic to the Royal Institution and the Public Schools commission.

After the United States Supreme Court ruled that racial segregation in public schools was illegal in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954), Evers dedicated most of his time to fighting segregation in Mississippi.

Director Stanley Kubrick did not attend college and, indeed, barely graduated from high school, leading him to publicly denigrate the importance of formal education later in his career.

A man named Albert Barnes became a millionaire after co-developing a treatment for gonorrhea; he later willed his private art collection, now worth 20-30 billion dollars, in an insanely restricted foundation that reflected his outspoken criticism of public education and "the establishment."

The U.S. government censored educational & scientific information from the public regarding plate tectonics, a scientific delay lasting for a decade because some evidence was classified military information related to undersea warfare

The BBC has released into the public domain an archive of some 16,000 sound effects (WAV files) for "personal, educational, or research purposes".

The flourescent lamp wasn't invented by a Filipino inventor, Agapito Flores, and it was just a myth. Majority of Filipinos are educated by this false information because it was published in a lot of text books for public schools and the "proof" was his last name Flores.

A Tlingit Native Alaskan attorney named William Paul successfully fought for the desegregation of public schools in Alaska in federal court almost 40 years before Brown v. Board of Education.

The first natural history museum diorama displays were created in 1889, and were intended to educate the public about the growing need for habitat conservation.

It took an additional 23 years after Brown v. Board of Education for Columbus Public Schools (Columbus, Ohio) to Desegregate.

There's an organization comprised of U.S. veterans whose prime objectives are to educate and increase public awareness, assist law enforcement and other legal entities to prevent and reduce pedophilia, human sex trafficking and child sexual abuse

Canada was in violation of article 26 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, because Ontario's Ministry of Education discriminates against non-Catholics by continuing to publicly fund separate Catholic schools, but not those of any other religious groups.

All throughout my US public school education, I have been taught that Thomas Edison is the Father of Motion Picture Cameras/Films, when in fact, due to a disappearance, and a legal issue involving patents, a Frenchman named Louis le Prince is the actual inventor.

Thaddeus Stevens, one of the founders of the Republican Party, was a staunch advocate for public education, was instrumental in passing the 13th Amendment abolishing slavery, and nearly impeached Andrew Johnson

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Educate Public. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Educate Public so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor