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Due Clerical facts

While investigating facts about Due To A Clerical Error and Due To Clerical Mistake, I found out little known, but curios details like:

A man was once accidentally released from prison 90 years early due to clerical error. He then started building his life by getting a job, getting married, having kids, coaching youth soccer, being active in his church. Authorities realized the mistake 6 years later and sent him back to prison.

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Due to a clerical error Michael Anderson was never summoned to serve his 13-year sentence for armed robbery. In the 13 years he would have spent incarcerated Mike started his own business, had kids, and turned his life around. The mistake was only discovered when he was due to be released.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what do clerical duties consist of. Here are 12 of the best facts about Vacated Due To Clerical Error and Disposition Removed Due To Clerical Error I managed to collect.

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  1. Due to a clerical error, the state of Missouri assumed that a man named Mike Anderson was in prison, serving his 13-year sentence for armed robbery. It's only when they began preparing for his release did they realise that law-enforcement had forgotten to take him to jail.

  2. Due to clerical errors, Mississippi didn't ratify the abolition of slavery until 2013.

  3. 500 people are declared dead in the US every month due to clerical errors.

  4. A missing first amendment "one Representative for every fifty thousand persons", got lost due to a clerical error. Today we have over 700k people per Rep.

  5. A Colorado man was once released from prison four years early due to a clerical error. He then killed the state's top corrections official and a pizza deliveryman before dying in a police shootout

  6. There was no actual Pope John XX due to a clerical error prompting the 19th Pope named John to take the number XXI, because John XIV was counted twice and John XVI was inexplicably counted despite being an antipope. There were also two John XXIII's.

  7. Beckman had several narrow misses that would have sent him overseas, but due to counting or clerical errors he and his unit were never sent. The armistice was signed shortly after Beckman finished boot camp.

  8. About the kingdom of Torgu- A 48.8 sq mile micronation in the SW corner of Estonia. It had its own King, flag, coat of arms(a snail dragon) and it's own currency-the Kirill(exchange rate was 1 Kirill=price of half litre Vodka). Also, the nation was created due to a clerical error.

  9. Due to a clerical error, the copyright to "It's a Wonderful Life" was not properly renewed, however tv stations that aired it still were required to pay royalties. The film's story is a derivative work of the story "The Greatest Gift", whose copyright was properly renewed in 1971.

  10. Cleric and master orator George Whitefield made audiences cry during his sermons due to his pronunciation of the word "Mesopotamia".

due clerical facts
What do clerical assistants do?

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Due Clerical. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Due Clerical so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor