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Dom Perignon facts

While investigating facts about Dom Perignon Price and Dom Perignon 2008, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Before Champagne became popular, fizz in wine was considered a bad thing and benedictine monk Dom Perignon worked to eliminate it. Wines from Champagne had a tendency to fizz because early frosts often led to incomplete fermentation during the manufacturing process.

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Printer ink cost over 7 times more than Dom Perignon vintage champagne per milliliter

What did dom perignon invent?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what does dom perignon taste like. Here are 11 of the best facts about Dom Perignon 2009 and Dom Perignon 2006 I managed to collect.

what's dom perignon?

  1. A Manhattan Dennys has a Grand Slam breakfast for two that costs $300. It also comes with a bottle of Dom Perignon and a high five from the bartender.

  2. Sax player (and Keith Richards' best friend) was fired from the Rolling Stones 1973 tour after being found in a bath tub filled with Dom Perignon champagne. Because the cost of the champagne was deducted from his pay and he made no money for the tour.

  3. HP printer ink is seven times more expensive than Dom Perignon

  4. Bobby Keys, the saxophonist who toured with the Rolling Stones in the early 1970s, allegedly filled a bathtub with Dom Perignon champagne and bathed in it. This caused a falling out with Mick Jagger, resulting in Keys being removed from the Stones touring lineup for a decade.

  5. Dom Perignon hated bubbles in wine and went to considerable lengths to eliminate them

  6. Bobby Keys, the saxophonist who toured with the Rolling Stones in the early 1970s, allegedly filled a bathtub with Dom Perignon champagne and drank most of it. This caused a falling out with Mick Jagger, and Keys was slowly removed from the Stones touring lineup.

  7. Timbaland refused to perform at a Flint charity event, because the club didn't serve him Ace of Spades champagne; instead they served him Dom Perignon. Despite his refusal to perform, the event raised $3,000 for bottled water for Flint.

  8. The monk Dom Perignon did not discover the champagne method but he was only a pioneer of making better wines (which led to champagne method)

  9. Billionaire residence in Los Angeles is the most expensive house for sale in the United States at US $250 million. It has fire extinguishers filled with Dom Perignon champagne (at least $200 per bottle).

dom perignon facts
What is the best year for dom perignon?

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Dom Perignon. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Dom Perignon so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor