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Derogatory Terms facts

While investigating facts about Derogatory Terms, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Siblings born within a year of each other are called "Irish twins", which was a derogatory term referring to poor Catholic families with many successive children

how is the term eskimo pie derogatory?

The Nazis never called themselves 'Nazis', as it was a derogatory word for a backwards peasant. It was the anti-Nazis that popularised the term.

What is a derogatory in legal terms?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 44 of the best facts about Derogatory Terms I managed to collect.

what is another word for derogatory terms?

  1. The Nazis never referred to themselves as “Nazis.” At the time, “Nazi” was a derogatory term for a “backwards peasant,” so those who opposed their party took advantage of the German pronunciation of “national” (nat-si-o-nal) and called them “Nazis” as an insult.

  2. Prime minister" was originally used as an unofficial derogatory term for an MP who had improperly accumulated too much power in parliament.

  3. In the early 1900s, idiot, imbecile and moron were official terms for varying degrees of mental disability. They were replaced by 'mentally retarded' as they became too derogatory.

  4. The song "Yellow Rose of Texas" is referring to a light skinned woman of African ancestry and is a reference to the often times considered derogatory term "High Yellow."

  5. Referring to British people as 'Limey' originated as as derogatory term used to describe members of the Royal Navy, who added lime juice to their daily rum because citrus helped sailors prevent scurvy

  6. The term "Nazi" was originally used in Germany as a derogatory term for a peasant or farmer. The term was later used by German leftists as a slur towards the National Socialist party.

  7. The word "assassin" derives from "hasish", referring to Nizari Ismaelis, a medieval sect of Islam with a penchant for covertly murdering. Hashishin (or " pot addict") was a derogatory term applied to this sect by their enemies, as marijuana is outlawed under Islam.

  8. "Cheesehead" is a derogatory slur Germans called the Dutch during WWII; and was used as a slur by Illinois sports fans toward Wisconsin sport fans before a Wisconsinite appropriated the term with a Cheese Hat.

  9. ‘baroque’ was actually a derogatory term for the artistic style it refers to.

  10. Mongoloid' was a term used to describe various central and East Asian populations but it is now considered derogatory because of its association to Down syndrome.

derogatory terms facts
What are the best facts about Derogatory Terms?

Why are most words derived from latin?

You can easily fact check why most of the words are derived from latin and greek by examining the linked well-known sources.

Clark referred to Sacagawea as "Janey" in his journal, as well as 'squaw". At the time 'squaw" was not considered to be a derogatory term.

The word "coprolalia" is the medical term used to describe the involuntary outburst of obscene words or socially inappropriate and derogatory remarks. It is one of the most puzzling and socially stigmatizing symptoms of Tourette Syndrome. - source

The term hillbilly comes from Ireland, it was used as a derogatory term for king William supporters. - source

The term "Jaywalking" comes from a derogatory term for hillbilly and was coined by the auto industry in the 1920s to promote their product. - source

Derinkuyu underground city when was it built?

The word "cholo" was originally a derogatory term in the Spanish Empire for someone of mixed heritage.

How is eskimo a derogatory term?

"Daesh" is an Arabic insult and derogatory term for ISIL

In 2003, North Korea's deputy UN ambassador Kim Chang-guk repeatedly referred to the Japanese using the derogatory term "Japs" because a Japanese diplomat called his country North Korea, rather than its official name of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

A 'useful idiot' is a derogatory term for a person perceived as a propagandist for a cause of whose goals they are not fully aware, and who is used cynically by the leaders of the cause - Vladimir Lenin is credited with coining the term.

The word 'sinister' is from the Latin 'sinistra', meaning 'left'. Historically, left handed people were considered 'touched by the Devil', and the term 'sinistra' started being used as a derogatory term against heretics by the church. Our modern derivative, 'sinister', has retained that meaning.

Gandhi was a racist who referred to black South Africans with derogatory terms and did not support Indians and Africans living together.

Interesting facts about derogatory terms

The term Nazi was actually a derogatory term before the rise of Hitler and was used by political opponents of his National Socialist party.

The term "cracker", a derogatory term for a white southener, originates from the sound white slave drivers would make with their whips when punishing slaves.

38 is a derogatory term for women in Chinese mandarin; this term came from the date of international women’s day (March 8th; 3rd month 8th day)

Dr. Seuss is credited with inventing the common derogatory term "Nerd" in his book "If I Ran The Zoo"

The name "Assassin" is said to derive from the Arabic Hashishin or "users of hashish"--a derogatory term applied to a middle ages sect of highly trained mercenaries.

The word assassin comes from a derogatory term for a group of medieval Shiite assassins. The original word is hashishiyya and means user of hashish.

The derogatory term "Nancy Boy" or simply "Nance" is a result of the gay Burlesque character who became popular in 1930's New York City. Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia cracked down on these shows to prevent a reputation from developing prior to the 1939 World Fair.

In India the term "Mr. 420" is a derogatory term for a cheat and was the title of the highest grossing Bollywood film (Shree 420) in 1955

When Bugs Bunny called someone a "maroon," he was using a derogatory term that originally was used to equate escaped slaves with wild pigs. (2:53 into the video.)

North Koreans are taught to not use forks. It's a derogatory term use to describe the tool that "american bastards" use to shovel poop... Oh well. I just came here for the BBQ. :D

Cowboy' was originally used as a derogatory term for African Americans, their white counterpart 'Cattleman'

Gypped", which means to be cheated or swindled, originates from the term "gypsy", and is therefore offensive and derogatory towards Romani people.

The derogatory term ginger (in reference to a red head) is an anagram of the word nigger

Until the 20th century, people did not use the term "Paganism" to describe their religion. It was created by the early Christian church and was used as a derogatory term for people of differing faiths. It would have been the equivalent of "bumpkin" or "yokel."

The term "Quakers" was originally a derogatory term, ridiculing members of "The Society of Friends" who told others they should "tremble at the word of the Lord"

I learned that the word "Jew" is not valid in Scrabble after Jewish groups campaigned that it was in fact a derogatory term and should be removed.

The modern, derogatory usage of the term "snowflake" originated from Chuck Palahniuk's 1996 novel "Fight Club"

People with Down's Syndrome used to be called 'Mongols.' It wasn't until 1965 that the People's Republic of Mongolia complained to the WHO that the term was derogatory, and it was replaced with Down's syndrome. The word was still used in the UK until the 1980s.

In German the verb mauscheln, which is derived from the Yiddish Mausche (Hebrew: Moscheh/Moses) is a derogatory term that translates into “to talk like a Jew” or “to swindle like a Jew.”

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Derogatory Terms. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Derogatory Terms so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor