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Decimal Point facts

While investigating facts about Decimal Point Analytics and Decimal Point Calculator, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Spain’s S-80 submarine program designed subs that were 70 tonnes too heavy, and likely sink when submerged. Cost overruns to fix it are expected to reach $9 billion. The problem was traced back to an engineer misplacing a decimal point, and had been called the most expensive math error ever.

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A decimal point was misplaced when the iron content of Spinach was measured in the 1870's, leading people to believe it had 10x more iron than reality, and made you stronger. This is why the creators of Popeye decided he would eat spinach to grow his muscles.

What is the number to the right of the decimal point called?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering numbers after decimal point are called what. Here are 22 of the best facts about Decimal Point Places and Decimal Point Chart I managed to collect.

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  1. The reason Popeye eats spinach is because of an error in the calculation of its iron content by chemist Erich von Wolf in 1870. He misplaced a decimal point, recording iron as having 35mg of iron per 100g, instead of its true value of 3.5mg/100g. The former is equal to eating part of a paperclip

  2. A UK university was fine £400,000 after 2 students were accidentally given a lethal dose of caffeine during a scientific experiment. Because of a misplaced decimal point on the phone used to calculate the caffeine dosage, they received 30g instead of the planned 0.3g. The lethal dose is 18g.

  3. The reason Popeye eats spinach is because of an error in the calculation of its iron content by chemist Erich von Wolf in 1870. He misplaced a decimal point, recording iron as having 35mg of iron per 100g, instead of its true value of 3.5mg/100g. The former is equal to eating part of a paperclip

  4. In Star Trek: The Original Series, The writers were told to pick four random numbers to use for the Stardate, and apply a decimal point for time of day, such as .5 for noon. This was done to preserve the shows futuristic feel, and to not relate it to our unit of time.

  5. A fake story about a scientist misplacing a decimal point in an analysis of spinach's iron content was used as a cautionary tale against believing fake stories (and an explanation for Popeye's spinach-based powers).

  6. The myth that Spinach is good for low Iron (it actually prevents the body from absorbing it) was caused by a decimal point error in the 1930s that declared it had 10x the Iron concentration of other vegetables (it's average at best)

  7. Spinach being high in iron is a popular misconception, due to faulty calculations made by German scientist Emil von Wolff, who misplaced a decimal point in an 1870 measurement of spinach's iron content.

  8. Some countries use a decimal point instead of commas for numbers above a thousand. Ex. 100.000 ( 100,000 )

  9. Two Sports Science Students, in a University Controlled Study, Where Accidentally Given 30 Grams of Caffeine Instead of 0.3 Grams, Due to a Misplaced Decimal Point on a Cell Phone Calculator

  10. Google advertised a job on a billboard which required those interested to visit (first 10-digit prime found in consecutive digits of e).com. The answer begins at the 101st decimal point, and visiting the URL would start a puzzle which would eventually allow you to submit your CV.

decimal point facts
What is the place value after the decimal point?

Why decimal point comma?

You can easily fact check why do you move the decimal point when dividing by examining the linked well-known sources.

The mark used to denote a decimal point is not standard, and is actually a comma in the majority of countries, like 3,14159 would be pi.

Spinach doesn't contain a large amount of iron and that Popeye's love for spinach was due to a misplaced decimal point - source

In 1870 a German chemist accidentally put a decimal point in the wrong spot, leading to the myth of spinach being particularly high in iron content. - source

Spain's newest submarine was 75+ tons heavier than expected because someone put a decimal point in the wrong place. It could go down, but might not come up again.

A misplaced decimal point led people for decades to believe that spinach was high in iron and good for muscles. - source

When decimal point was invented?

The generic name for the decimal point in non-decimal based number systems is the 'Radix point'

How to get value after decimal point in sql?

More countries use a comma than a dot as a decimal point. (e.g. 0,01 rather than 0.01)

Slide rules used the concept of logarithms to make complex calculations as simple as sliding a ruler and finding the value. You just had to remember where the decimal point would be involved at the end.

A man ordered a size 14.50 special monster-design slipper to fit his oversized left foot. Instead, he was sent one at size 1,450 – because manufacturers failed to spot a decimal point.

Engineers used to rely on imprecise calculations with slide rules that only showed three decimal points and designed the Empire State Building, Saturn V rocket with them. As a result, they designed conservatively by making walls thicker and bridges stronger than needed

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Decimal Point. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Decimal Point so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor