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Cook Egg facts

While investigating facts about Cook Egg In Microwave and Cook Eggplant, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Albert Einstein once declared that his second best idea after the theory of relativity was adding an egg to his soup while it was cooking so he wouldn't have an extra pot to wash afterwards

how cook eggplant?

EINSTEIN once declared that his second greatest idea after the theory of relativity was to add an egg while cooking soup in order to produce a soft-boiled egg without having an extra pot to wash.

What to cook with egg noodles?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what to cook with eggplant. Here are 43 of the best facts about Cook Eggs In Instant Pot and Cook Eggs I managed to collect.

what to cook with eggs?

  1. EINSTEIN once declared that his second greatest idea after the theory of relativity was to add an egg while cooking soup in order to produce a soft-boiled egg without having an extra pot to wash.

  2. The chef's hat (or toque) has 100 folds in it to represent the number of different ways the chef can cook an egg

  3. The reason meat & seafood in Chinese food restaurants looks, feels, and tastes different is due to a cooking process called "Velveting" in which the meat & seafood is marinated in corn starch, egg whites, & rice wine, then blanched in oil.

  4. Keith Moon, the drummer for The Who, asked his then-girlfriend, Walter-Lax, to cook him steak and eggs. When she refused, he said, "If you don't like it, you can fuck off!" Those were his last words - he was found dead of an overdose after.

  5. A cooked egg has more digestible protein than a raw egg.

  6. By eating cooked eggs you absorb more protein than raw eggs. "raw egg would only provide 3 grams of digestible protein. Compared to eating a whole cooked egg, which contains almost 6 grams of protein."

  7. The first food deliberately cooked in a microwave was popcorn. The second was an egg, which exploded in the face of one of the researchers

  8. Mayonnaise was invented by a French cook assigned to a French army battling England. After their victory the French troops wanted a celebratory meal, but the chef was out of cream. So he mixed oil, water, and egg yolk to make a new sauce...mayo

  9. Scrambled eggs are fluffier and more tender if you beat the eggs and add salt 15 minutes before cooking them.

  10. The "folds" in a Chefs Hat are meant to represent the many different ways the chef can cook an egg

cook egg facts
What are the 100 ways to cook an egg?

Why cook eggs?

You can easily fact check why can't you cook eggs in the microwave by examining the linked well-known sources.

Physician Charles Blagden who stayed in a 260 degree room (127 Celsius) with a raw steak, some eggs and a dog. 15 minutes later, he walked out with the dog unharmed and with the steak and eggs cooked.

Jerusalem Tried to Surrender to a British Cook Looking for Eggs in WWI - source

Piero di Cosimo consumed a large amount of hard boiled eggs. He cooked a large number at once so as to have to avoid using fire often. He often cooked 50 at a time.

The first food deliberately cooked with a microwave was popcorn, then an egg which exploded in the experimenter's face.

The reason McDonalds did not offer all day breakfast is because of the grill temperature. The beef and eggs cannot be cooked at the same time so it would require another grill just to cook the eggs - source

What happens when you cook an egg?

Dwayne Johnson, while in the WWE, would routinely stop at a Waffle House, order a dozen eggs, separate the egg whites and sometimes cook them himself.

How cook egg in microwave?

In order to cook an egg on a sidewalk, the sidewalk needs to be 158°F

According to the United States Department of Health and Human Services, eggs should be cooked until both the white and the yolk are firm.

The largest menu item is roasted camel, claimed to be a traditional Bedouin wedding dish. Like turducken; the steps are: "cook eggs and stuff into fish, cook the fish and stuff into cooked chickens, stuff the chickens into roasted sheep, stuff the sheep into a whole cook to taste"

There is a formula for calculating the cooking time for boiling an egg

The Chinese delicacy 'Virgin Boy Egg' - eggs cooked and soaked in the urine of prepubescent boys

When to cook eggplant?

To tell if an egg is raw or hard-cooked, spin it! If the egg spins easily, it is hard-cooked but if it wobbles, it is raw.

The Egg Fart Theory - (incl. cooking recipe)

You can cook eggs and bacon with a paper bag

This is a little experiment which tells you how to check freshness of eggs like a pro before using them in cooking.

Egg industry-funded research found that Salmonella bacteria can survive in most egg cooking methods, with the sunny-side-up method posing the greatest risk for food poisoning.

How cook eggs?

The 100 folds in a chef's hat are to represent the 100 ways you are able to cook an egg.

There are 59 ways to cook a regular egg.

There is a method of cooking eggs in china that involves cooking them in the urine of prepubescent boys. The dish is known as a "Virgin Boy Egg".

There's a delicacy in China of cooking an egg in the urine of young school boys.

In Dongyang, China, eggs cooked in the urine of prepubescent school boys is a cultural delicacy. The urine is collected from school toilets or collection buckets set outside by vendors. They sell for twice the price of normal boiled eggs.

Traditionally, the height of a chef's hat signified how important the chef was in the role, and the number of pleats represented how many ways they could cook an egg

The first food ever cooked in a microwave oven was popcorn and the second one, an egg, which obviously exploded in the inventor's face.

Julia Child's TV career started after she appeared as a guest in Boston's WGBH promoting her book, Mastering the Art of French Cooking. Instead of sitting down and discussing recipes, Child started cracking eggs and made an omelette on air. The viewers loved it, and The French Chef was born.

Spring time in Dongyang, China, they eat "virgin boy eggs”, a local tradition of soaking and cooking eggs in the urine of boys. It starts off by soaking and then boiling eggs in a pot of urine. Then the shells of the eggs are cracked and they continue to simmer in urine for hours.

Plunging just-cooked hard-boiled eggs into an ice bath is also an important step in making them easier to peel. Shocking the eggs.

when cake mix was invented in the 1950s, the recipe of "just adding water" didn't take off with housewives. The instructions were too easy and it didn't feel like they were cooking. Manufacturers changed the recipe to also require a single egg. Sales soared.

Cooking eggs in a coffee cup in the microwave taste AWESOME!

Humans are more effective at digesting cooked eggs than raw

There are 12 ways to cook eggs in the microwave!

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Cook Egg. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Cook Egg so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor