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Coffee Pots facts

While investigating facts about Coffee Pots At Walmart and Coffee Pots On Sale, I found out little known, but curios details like:

King Gustav III of Sweden commuted the death sentences of a set of twins to life imprisonment if one drank 3 pots of coffee and the other drank 3 pots of tea to test the effects of the newly introduced coffee.

how coffee pots work?

The first webcam was invented to monitor a coffee pot. It was for people to avoid pointless trips to the coffee pot by providing a live 128x128 greyscale image of it.

What coffee pots make the hottest coffee?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what coffee pots use k cups. Here are 39 of the best facts about Coffee Pots Amazon and Coffee Pots At Target I managed to collect.

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  1. The first-ever webcam was invented at the University of Cambridge to watch a coffee pot in the break room. Now people could see if there was fresh coffee without getting up from their desks.

  2. About the Trojan Room coffee pot at the University of Cambridge which is said to be the inspiration for the first webcam. In 1991 it put a live picture of the office coffee pot on peoples desktops pc’s of the local office LAN so people wouldn’t make a wasted trip.

  3. King Gustav III of Sweden, in an experiment, commuted the death sentences of a pair of twins on the condition that one drank 3 pots of coffee, and the other tea, every day for the rest of their lives

  4. King Gustav III of Sweden commissioned an experiment to prove coffee was poisonous. Overseen by two doctors, a prisoner was forced to drink three pots of coffee a day until he died. Both doctors and the King died before the prisoner.

  5. The first webcam was created to help people avoid pointless trips to the coffee room at the University of Cambridge. The camera provided a live 128×128 greyscale picture of the state of the coffee pot, which was located in the corridor just outside the so-called Trojan Room.

  6. King Gustav III of Sweden commissioned an experiment to prove coffee was poisonous. Overseen by two doctors, a prisoner was forced to drink three pots of coffee a day until he died. Both doctors and the King died before the prisoner.

  7. The first webcam was created to help people working in other parts of a building avoid pointless trips to an empty coffee pot.

  8. HTTP status code 418: "I'm a teapot", created as an April Fool's joke, but officially documented by IETF for "networked coffee pots".

  9. Decaf coffee pots have orange handles because the first widespread brand of decaffeinated coffee, Sanka, used a distinctive orange color on their cans, and it was so popular that orange became associated with decaf in general.

coffee pots facts
What coffee pots work with alexa?

Why are coffee pots tall and teapots short?

You can easily fact check why do ants like coffee pots by examining the linked well-known sources.

The world's first webcam was developed to keep an eye on a coffee pot

There is a 404 style error called '418 I'm a teapot', which is returned by tea pots requested to brew coffee. - source

The first webcam watched a coffee pot. It allowed researchers at Cambridge to monitor the coffee situation without leaving their desks. - source

When Italy's coffee king Renato Bialetti died in 2016, his body was cremated and the ash was put in an 18-cup Mocha Express pot.

The first web cam was a Coffee Cam so that students at a Cambridge could remotely check to see if there was any coffee brewed prior to making the trip to the coffee pot - source

When the coffee pot is hot?

The HTTP standard includes an error message 418: I'm a teapot. It is part of the standard detailing a protocol known as Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol (HTCPCP) and is supposed to be used when an attempt is made to brew coffee in a teapot instead of a coffee pot.

How to clean coffee pots?

3/4 hotel rooms posed serious health risks in an investigation, dirty cups left in room, sometimes "cleaned" with toxic Lysol, and wiping coffee pots with dirty towels.

An HTTP extension, the Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol (HTCPCP) for diagnosing and controlling coffee pots, was written as an April Fool's Day joke. It includes the error message "418: I'm a teapot."

The HTTP error code 418 means the server is actually a teapot, as part of the "Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol"

When the coffee pot is awfully hot?

HTTP error code 418 (where 404 = Not Found, 403 = Forbidden etc.) should be returned by tea pots requested to brew coffee.

The first webcam ever was made in Cambridge University to watch a coffee pot and avoid trips to the pot if it was empty

A control protocol was published for coffee pots (HTCPCP) as an April Fools' Day RFC in 1998 for controlling, monitoring, and diagnosing coffee pots. An extension was published On April Fools' Day, 2014 to support brewing teas.

In 1746 King Gustav III of Sweden issued a royal edict against coffee and tea. To prove that they had bad side effects he used identical twins for an experiment. One drank three pots of coffee daily, and the other tea for the rest of their lives. Both outlived Gustav III, one living to age 83.

How many pots of coffee per pound?

A pellet of uranium fuel slightly larger than coffee-bean can generate enough electricity to brew almost 30,0000 pots of coffee!

How to make egg coffee, which evidently causes all of the grounds to sink to the bottom of the pot with the egg, thereby making an elite, ultra-clear brew.

About the HTTP 418 "I'm a teapot" error. This error is a reference to Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol which was an April Fools' joke in 1998.

RFC 2324, the Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol. It was included by the IETF as an easter egg in 1998 and contains error 418: I'm a teapot, which is returned when a user requests coffee from a teapot.

The first webcam was used to monitor a coffee pot

The first webcam was deployed at Cambridge University computer lab – its sole purpose was to monitor a particular coffee maker and hence avoid wasted trips to an empty pot.

The first webcam was created to monitor a coffee pot and its origins predate the "World Wide Web"

The very first webcam was invented by researchers in the UK in the early 1990's. Their first use for the camera? They set it up in the lab to monitor the coffee pot, to know when fresh coffee was made.

Special HTTP Protocol for Brewing Coffee (Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol)

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Coffee Pots. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Coffee Pots so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor