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Cents Dollar facts

While investigating facts about Cents Dollar Conversion and Cents Dollars Converter, I found out little known, but curios details like:

John Barrier, after a bank teller refused to validate his 50 cent parking because he was dressed poorly, he withdrew his million dollars from his account and took it to the bank across the street

how many cents in a dollar?

Kids Wish Foundation was named America's Worst Charity. Only 3 cents of every dollar raised went to the actual cause.

What is cents in dollars?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is 50 cents on the dollar. Here are 37 of the best facts about Cents Dollar Symbol and Cents Dollar Relation I managed to collect.

what can a dollar and eleven cents do?

  1. Despite being dead, 2pac earned 9 million dollars in 2007, more than both Eminem & 50 Cent.

  2. After abusing alcohol and drugs for the better half of her life, iconic jazz singer Billie Holiday was swindled out of her earnings and died with all of 70 cents (US$6 in 2016 dollars) in the bank.

  3. According to his accountant, the McDuck's money bin contains 607 tillion 386 zillion 947 trillion 522 billion dollars and 36 cents.

  4. In 1996, a painting was stolen from the Museum of Bad Art. The museum offered a reward of six dollars and fifty cents for its return, and the purported thief demanded a $5,000 ransom ten years later. It was returned with no ransom paid.

  5. For every dollar Americans spend on food, less than 16 cents goes to farmers and ranchers

  6. The US used to mint a three-cent coin called a Trime, as well as a five-cent Disme, a twenty-cent Pistareen, and a four-dollar Stella.

  7. A man once spent 27 minutes on the phone with Verizon trying to convince them 0.002 dollars is not the same as 0.002 cents.

  8. In WWII the U.S. dumped millions of dollars worth of Jeeps, Coca-Cola, food, etc. into the ocean to spite the British and French who refused to pay 6 cents on the dollar for everything, thinking eventually they'd get it for free. Found this scuba diving video of it today.

  9. 100 dollar bill only costs 12 cents to make.

  10. The oft-cited figure that women earn 77 cents for every dollar a man earns grows to 93 cents when controlling for job and life differences, and grows to a dollar when controlling for gender differences in negotiating.

cents dollar facts
What is 1000 cents in dollars?

Why are things 99 cents instead of a dollar?

You can easily fact check why 99 cents and not a dollar by examining the linked well-known sources.

The U.S. almost had another unit of currency, in addition to the dollar and cent, called the "Stella"

The mill, a coin that is one tenth worth of a cent. In 1786, the U.S. Continental Congress approved the mill, describing it as the "lowest money of accompt, of which 1,000 shall be equal to the federal dollar." Some states issued mills made of tin, aluminum, plastic or paper. - source

50 Cent offered writer Chinua Achebe $1 million for using the title of his novel "Things Fall Apart" for his movie. Achebe's legal team replied, "the novel was initially produced in 1958, listed as the mostly read book in modern African literature, and won’t be sold for even 1 Billion Dollars” - source

It takes 1.83 cents to make a penny and that the US Mint lost 55 million dollars to penny production in 2013.

More than half of online sales growth in the US over the last 2 years came from Amazon, which took 51 cents of every new dollar spent online in 2015 and 53 cents per new dollar spent in 2016 - source

When did dollars and cents start in australia?

Country of East Timor uses the American dollar as their currency but has their own centavo coins, whose values are equal to their US cent counterparts, and which are minted (made) in Portugal.

How many cents make a dollar?

The word "bit" meaning 12.5 cents goes back to the American colonial period where the Spanish dollar was the most common currency, and was worth 8 "bits" of silver.

In the U.S. and Great Britain, the number "one thousand dollars and fifty cents" is written "$1,000.50", but in Norway, Germany and Italy it would be written "$1.000,50".

The act that created the US $ also created its 4 divisions: the cent 1/100, mil 1/1000, dime 1/10 and eagle 10x. This is why a penny says One Cent and a dime says One Dime. But a quarter says Quarter Dollar and a nickel Five Cents. There are also gold coin Eagles $10 & Double Eagles $20.

The units of reactivity of a nuclear reactor are dollars ($) and cents

John Barrier, after a bank teller refused to validate his 50 cent parking because he was dressed poor, he withdrew his million dollars from his account and took it to the bank across the street

When the price of a product is stated in terms of dollars and cents?

Alaska was purchased from Russia for just 7.2 million dollars. That's 2 cents an acre!

USA bought Louisiana from France for sixty-eight million francs which averages to less than three cents per acre! Adjusting for inflation that's equivalent to today's $236 million dollars or less than forty-two cents per acre!

Zimbabwe once had a 100 trillion dollar bill worth 40 cents USD

The "77 cents to the male dollar" claim is not entirely true and is attributed to many non-discriminatory reasons

Kids Wish Foundation was named America's Worst Charity. Only 3 cents of every dollar raised went to the actual cause.

How many 5 cents make a dollar?

The United States produced a half cent piece from 1793 to 1857. The half-cent piece was made of 100% copper and was valued at five milles, or one two-hundredth of a dollar. It was slightly smaller than a modern U.S. quarter.

99 Cent Only stores added a charge of .99 cents to the base unit price of their merchandise which in most cases rounds up to a dollar, making them just another dollar store.

Due to hyperinflation, the country of Zimbabwe has issued a Z$100 trillion dollar bank note which, when converted to US currency, is worth about $.40 cents.

As a senator, Hillary Clinton paid women 72 cents for each dollar paid to men

The modern financial equivalent spent for the Purchase of the Louisiana territory is approximately $236 million in 2014 U.S. dollars, which averages to less than forty-two cents per acre, as of 2010.

43 cents of every dollar spent online goes to Amazon.

California is the 6th LEAST dependent state on federal money, contributing a dollar for every 68 cents they get back. Only 5 other states are less dependent.

The wage gap is 94 cents to the dollar when adjusted for the amount of hours worked per week and the flexibility of the selected career path. The gap is almost within the margin of error.

Kids Wish Network charity spends just 3 cents on the dollar on kids

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Cents Dollar. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Cents Dollar so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor