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Caused Controversy facts

While investigating facts about Movies That Caused Controversy and Books That Caused Controversy, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The historical inaccuracies in the movie U-571 caused so much controversy it ended up being condemned in British Parliament. Americans did not capture the Enigma machine. The code had been broken years before they entered the war.

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Clone High, an adult animated tv series about the clones of famous historical figures going to high school, was cancelled due to its portrayal of Ghandi as a loose party animal, causing great controversy in India. It began hunger strikes and even a national protest where MPs got involved.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what caused the nullification controversy. Here are 45 of the best facts about Caused Controversy I managed to collect.

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  1. An episode of Spongebob Squarepants in which Spongebob was fired from the Krusty Krab caused a huge amount of controversy and backlash due to its depiction of unemployment.

  2. The producers of The Jungle Book film originally considered Louis Armstrong for the voice of King Louie, but were worried that choosing a black actor to voice an ape would cause controversy.

  3. An MP3 player called "iBeat Blaxx" had to be rebranded after causing controversy

  4. When NOFX bassist Fat Mike caused controversy by elbowing and kicking a fan, he publicly apologized by buying him a beer and letting him kick him back.

  5. The largest and most powerful power plant on Earth is the Three Gorges Dam in China. The controversial project produces power for over 60 million people, caused multiple landslides, and even slowed down the Earth's rotation a fraction of a second.

  6. Nicolaus Copernicus proposed the heliocentric solar system (making the sun the center of the solar system instead of earth) from his death bed because he was aware of the controversy it would cause and the danger it proposed to him. He was right.

  7. Ikea ran a commercial in 1994 featuring a gay couple, widely considered to be the first to do so on U.S. television. The ad caused controversy among conservative groups and was pulled from airwaves after a store received a bomb threat.

  8. There is controversy about scientists naming a protein "sonic hedgehog". A mutation in this protein can cause serious birth defects and many scientists/clinicians dislike the idea of telling parents their child has "a mutation in their sonic hedgehog"

  9. In 2006, Autism Speaks released a documentary, "Autism Everyday" which caused controversy because a mother talked about how she contemplated murdering her Autistic daughter and herself.

  10. Singer Sinead O’Connor revealed she was a victim of the Magdalene Laundries scandal. She caused worldwide controversy by tearing up a picture of the Pope on live television.

caused controversy facts
What controversy was caused by camillus vow to apollo?

What is true about caused controversy?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

In the 1960s a controversial Soviet decision caused the fourth-largest inland sea -the Aral Sea- to evaporate and recede, leaving behind a salty poisoned wasteland dotted with rusty fishing boats.

Dental Amalgam, the metallic mixture used to fill cavities caused by tooth decay, is 50% Mercury. This controversial mixture has been the dental restorative material of choice for over 500 years. - source

In 2015, UFC fighter Yoel Romero accidentally caused controversy during a post fight interview where he said in a thick Spanish accent "No forget Jesus" but it sounded like "no for gay Jesus" causing people to think he was speaking out against gay marriage. - source

IKEA caused a huge online controversy when it switched the typeface in its catalogs from Futura to Verdana.

Mike Brown originally wished to name the planet Lilah - and he had a newborn named Lila. Because of the controversy it might have caused with other members of his team he dropped the name from suggestion.

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In 1828 a man named Joseph C. Dylkes caused controversy in the Ohio Valley by intruding on a Christian gathering, neighing like a horse, and proclaiming himself the Messiah. A number of people started following him as their God until an angry mob discredited him by tearing out his hair.

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In 1992 the BBC released a horror mockumentary on Halloween night that was presented as a live television and caused a huge controversy because many people believed it was real and there were several case reports of people, mainly children, who suffered PTSD like effects from watching it.

"Big Ass Fans". Originally HVLS Fan Company, the business sent out fliers depicting the rear end of a donkey and a huge 20ft fan. The fliers caused controversy, causing people to become interested in the product. They called asking for the "big-ass fan", prompting the name change

Agnes Sorel, the first officially recognized royal mistress who caused a controversy by wearing low-cut gowns with one of her breasts fully exposed.

When the movie Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf was released in 1962, the level of profanity was unheard of for the time, and caused a controversy. The movie included language such as "goddamn" and "up yours", although "screw you" was removed before release for being too controversial.

The 2004 Superbowl halftime "controversy" caused Janet Jackson to be blacklisted by some of the biggest radio stations and music channels worldwide for years afterward, among many other actions against her.

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Wyatt Earp refereed a Heavyweight title fight, in which he allegedly accepted a payoff to throw the match, causing a controversy that followed him the rest of his life.

In August 2000, MGM released the 1982 film 'Swamp Thing' on DVD in the US under the 'PG' rating. The disc was accidentally released with the international version of the film containing an extended scene of female nudity, causing controversy.

The Great Stirrup Controversy, which proposes that feudalism in Europe was caused by introducing stirrups to cavalry

The Stanford band, "The World's Largest Rock and Roll Band", is completely student run, and is largely un-choreographed. Their style has caused much controversy over the years as they often attach a message to their performances. As of late, Stanford has banned them from playing away games.

1990s sitcom Grace Under Fire was cancelled due to declining ratings after several controversies and cast departures caused by the erratic behaviour of its star Brett Butler

How the insertion of a beer bottle into the rectum of a Serbian farmer caused a major ethnic and political controversy in Serbia in 1985 and contributed to the collapse of Yugoslavia.

For years I thought some people just had an accent or weird pronunciation of "Jack-off", but turns out Jagoff is a slang term from Philly totally unrelated etymologically, which has caused controversy over its censorship.

The album Dark Side of the Moon - Pink Floyd matches perfectly to the wizard of oz and has caused a rather controversial conspiracy to arise.

The passage of Roe v. Wade (Abortion Rights) is believed to have caused crime rates to plummet. A controversial theory called Donahue-Levitt's hypothesis; suggests the abortion of unwanted children caused crime rates to plummet in the 90s because these potential criminals were never born.

The insertion of a beer bottle into the rectum of a Serbian farmer, which caused a major ethnic and political controversy in Serbia in 1985 and contributed to the collapse of Yugoslavia.

Lynton Crosby has been successful in international political campaigns using divisive, controversial social issues, with the goal of causing vitriolic debate inside the opposing party, defection of its supporters and legitimising of sentiment. Known as "Dog Whistles".

Tinky Winky from the Teletubbies caused a controversy due to allegations that the character's behavior, bag and body colour had homosexual qualities

The original design of the Pokémon character Jynx caused controversy over its alleged resemblance to a blackface caricature. Soon after, it was redesigned with a purple skin tone.

The gov't of South Korea has plans to write a single, authoritative history textbook. This has caused controversy for reasons including the intent of the current president,who as the daughter of the previous president may be in favor of covering up certain dark areas of her father's reign.

There is a protein in the human body named "Sonic hedgehog." The name is controversial because this protein is implicated in a serious disorder, and discussing that the condition is caused by a mutation in the sonic hedgehog gene may not be well received by a patient or their family.

The historical inaccuracies in the movie 'The Sound Barrier' didn't cause much controversy, nobody cared. An englishman did not break the sound barrier. It had been broken by Chuck Yeager and reversing the controls as was shown in the film would have killed him.

In 2010 mugshot of man arrested in Dade County, FL caused controversy over unique identifying feature so rare, people thought it was photoshopped.

Keith Ellison, the first Muslim member of the House of Representatives, caused controversy by swearing his oath of allegiance on a copy of the Qur'an that had belonged to founding father Thomas Jefferson.

During the 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict, authors sympathetic to both of the sides released video game apps on the Google Play store concerning the conflict. The themes and content of the games caused controversy, and several were removed.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Caused Controversy. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Caused Controversy so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor