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Career Spanned facts

While investigating facts about This Remarkable Acting Career Spanned and My Career Has Spanned, I found out little known, but curios details like:

About renowned British military surgeon James Barry, a pioneer in the medical field with a career spanning over 50 years. After his death in 1865 the nurse prepping his body for burial noted female anatomy and stretch marks from pregnancy. Barry had been born a woman named Margaret Ann Bulkley.

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Denzel Washington has been in over 50 films throughout a career spanning three decades, but next year's The Equalizer 2 will be his first sequel

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is a good career batting average. Here are 22 of the best facts about Career Has Spanned and I managed to collect.

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  1. Jean Thurel, a soldier in the French army that had an extraordinarily long career that spanned over 75 years of service. He was born in 1698 and died in 1807.

  2. The Great Gama was Undefeated Wrestler in a career spanning more than 52 years & Bruce Lee was an avid follower of of his training routine. His Daily Diet & Training included 10 liters of milk, 5 pounds almond, Six pounds butter, Three buckets fruits, 5k Squats, 3k Pushups.

  3. Lata Mangeshkar an Indian Vocalist/Composer has sung no less than 25,000 solo, duet and chorus backed songs in 20 Indian languages in a career spanning nearly 75 years.

  4. Malik Mir Sultan Khan a servant in British India, turned into a top 10 chess player, winning the British championship 3 out of 4 times in a career that spanned less than 5 years.

  5. One of Gary Lineker’s teachers wrote on his report card that he "concentrates too much on football" and that he would "never make a living at that". He went on to have a senior career which spanned 16 years and 567 competitive games, & scored a total of 330 goals.

  6. In 2014, a 54-year old soldier graduated from U.S. Army basic training, 23 years after a Navy career that spanned the late 1970s and 1980s.

  7. The generation before baby boomers are called "The Silent Generation" and span from 1925-1945 - they're silent because many focused on their careers rather than on activism, and had a high degree of conformity and fear of speaking out due to McCarthyism.

  8. Oscar Niemeyer, the Brazillian architect responsible for designing its capital of Brasilia, lived to almost 105. Starting in the 1930s, Niemeyer’s career spanned nine decades. Yuri Gagarin, the Russian cosmonaut and first man in space, said his city “was like arriving on another planet”

  9. Yvonne Dowlen, a woman who at 90 years old was a competitive figure skater, her career spanned over 70 years.

  10. Rush Limbaugh's grandfather lived to age 104 and was an American jurist, legislator, and ambassador whose legal career spanned nearly 80 years.

career spanned facts
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You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

Charlie Chaplin produced and starred in 82 films, spanning a career of 50+ years.

Former Ohio State University Defensive End Joey Bosa's Great-Grandfather, Tony Accardo, was a Crime Boss in the Chicago Outfit During a Criminal Career that Spanned Eight Decades. He went from Small Time Hoodlum to a Made Man Who Saved Al Capone's Life. - source

Mae Young (1923-2014) had the longest pro wrestling career, spanning 70 years from 1940-2010. She won her last match, a 2-on-1 handicap match, beating LayCool (Michelle McCool and Layla El) when she was 86. Before the match she famously stated "Give me a match with these sluts!". - source

Actor Harry Dean Stanton's career has spanned six decades and his work has ranged from "Bonanza" to contemporary films and TV. I had no idea he's 88.

Bee Gees wrote over 1000 songs during their career spanning more than half a century. - source

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During George Jones' career that spanned six decades, his success was exclusively on the country charts, and never scored a top 40 on the pop charts.

International jewel thief Doris Payne, age 84, was arrested on felony larceny charges for stealing a $22,500 diamond-encrusted ring and her career as a jewel thief spans over 60 years.

Carlos Kaiser was a professional soccer player with a career spanning 20 years even though he did not know how to play the sport.

Manoel de Oliveira, at 106 years old, is the oldest active film director. His career has spanned from the silent age to the digital age and he continues to produce about one film per year.

Filipino President Joseph Estrada gained popularity as a film actor, playing the lead role in over a hundred films in an acting career spanning some three decades, and model, who was started as a fashion and ramp model at the age of 13

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Career Spanned. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Career Spanned so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor