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Canned Food facts

While investigating facts about Canned Food Expiration Dates Chart and Canned Food Recipes, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Every Christmas in Lexington, Kentucky, you can pay off your tickets with canned food donations

how canned food is made?

The cans of ‘Bernard Dehydrated Water’ that you see floating around the Internet, are indeed a real product. Bernard Food Industries created the product as a gag that store owners could display in stores to give customers a laugh.

What canned food has the longest shelf life?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what canned foods are healthy. Here are 50 of the best facts about Canned Food Storage and Canned Food Drive I managed to collect.

what canned foods last the longest?

  1. After Hurricane Katrina, Cuba & Venezuela were the first countries to offer assistance, pledging over $1 million, several mobile hospitals, water treatment plants, canned food, bottled water, heating oil, 1,100 doctors and 26.4 metric tons of medicine -but were rejected by the US Government

  2. Lexington Kentucky accepts canned food as payment for parking fines to feed the homeless.

  3. The community of LexPark in Lexington, Kentucky has instated an annual "Food for Fines" program - a month long food drive that allows people to at least partially pay their parking tickets in canned food, which is then donated directly to area food banks that help feed the needy

  4. Canned food can last indefinitely if sealed properly. On his wedding day in 1956, Beryl Lailey promised to keep a canned whole chicken until his 50th Anniversary, when he would eat it. He did and did not become ill.

  5. Canned food may last decades longer than the expiration dates suggest

  6. A Russian movie director invaded a Ukrainian city and turned it into a 1952 totalitarian society movie set in which for 3 years, actors never left. Including hidden cameras, 24-7 mandatory 1950's Soviet clothing, canned food stamped with 1952 expiration dates, and fines for using modern phrases.

  7. The reason you can't find canned broccoli, unlike most other vegetables, is because broccoli disintegrates into a pulp when cooked for periods of time above 200°F, and water boils at 212°F. The canning process cooks food once before and once after its canned. Broccoli would turn to mush.

  8. Food banks largely prefer cash donations over canned food drives: for every $1 donated, most food banks can order $4-5 worth of food

  9. The first canned dog food in the US was introduced after WWI, to help dispose of dead horses. It was sold under the brand Ken-L Ration

  10. Can openers were invented about 80 years after canned food

canned food facts
What canned food to buy?

Why canned foods are bad?

You can easily fact check why canned food last long by examining the linked well-known sources.

Canned food excavated from the steamboat Bertrand was still safe to eat 110 years after it sank.

Lobsters used to be food for slaves and was used as fertilizer and fish bait. But that changed in the mid 1800s with the invention of canned food and railway transportation. Canned lobster became popular enough that people took trips to the coast for fresh lobster. - source

In 1865, a steamboat sunk with a shipment of canned food. After 109 years, the food was brought back up, still safe and edible, although it had “lost its fresh smell and appearance” - source

In 1974, samples of canned food from an 1865 steamboat wreck were tested by the National Food Processors Association. Although appearance, smell and vitamin content had deteriorated, there was no trace of microbial growth and the 109-year-old food was determined to be still safe to eat.

In 1917, a canned food shortage affected the British Army, leading the government to issue soldiers cigarettes and amphetamines to reduce their appetites. - source

When canned foods spoil what causes the blackening of the cans?

Napoleon offered a reward to someone who could make food last longer. Canned food was invented as a result.

How long does canned food last?

Canned 100% pumpkin is actually 100% squash. Pumpkins can be stringy and watery and the USDA is lenient with gourd terminology, so it’s perfectly legal to label a food product as “pumpkin” when, in reality, it’s made from a different variety of squash.

CU Boulder lets you pay off parking citations with canned food donations

Raccoon's hand looks like human's. They have five fingers and use their hands to collect food, open shells, door or trash cans…

Properly canned food remains safe to eat for decades. "Sell by"/"Best by" dates are the manufacturers being extra cautious.

The can opener was not invented until 50 years after the invention of canned food.

When canned food invented?

GIANT giant tortoises probably went extinct bc they can live for several months w/o food or water and since they were so slow and unthreatening, and easy t find, they were essentially the first "canned food" for early humans

Once harvested, seafood can be consumed fresh, processed and frozen to be consumed at a later date, dried and salted, canned, or cooked and then frozen.

Some of the free food must have included fruit because fruit trees often grew in the Colosseum. It doesn"t sound like the Romans had discovered garbage cans yet. Or perhaps the spectators chose to throw their fruit at those in the center of the Colosseum if they were unhappy with the performance!

When canned dog food was introduced in 1922, its main ingredient was horse meat.

The Franklin Expedition and the total loss of its crew was likely due to botulism in the canned food and lead poisoning from the ships' desalination units. This would explain why the last of the crew resorted to cannibalism.

How much canned food to feed a dog per day?

Clair Patterson who accurately calculated the age of Earth and successfully campaigned for getting lead banned from gasoline and food cans.

Ian Anderson, lead singer and flautist of the rock group Jethro Tull, was so poor when starting out that he stretched cans of Irish stew with dog food.

Vegetable oil extracted from soybean has wide application in the food industry. It is integral part of mayonnaise, salad dressings, canned food, processed food, frozen desserts, candies and various types of cheese. This type of oil is also used for cooking.

Surströmming (Fermented Herring) is a Swedish delicacy known for being the worlds smelliest food. The smell is so bad in fact, severel airlines has banned passengers from from carrying tin cans of this stuff.

From 1795-1810, Nicolas Appert developed a new method to preserve food, by placing it in a glass jar, sealing it and then putting it in boiling water. For publicity, he even preserved an entire sheep. This technique was later the basis of preserving food in tin cans.

In the past, cassiterite was mostly used to produce "tin cans", which were actually steel plated with tin for food containers. The containers today, though, are being replaced with glass, plastic, paper, aluminum, and other materials.

Botox is made from the bacteria Clostridium botulinum, which thrives in damaged canned food. One powdered teaspoon of this substance is enough for a years supply for the whole world.

They are omnivores (eat plants and animals). Insects are usually on their menu, but they also like reptiles, amphibians, eggs, fruit, and berries. They often dig trash cans to find some food. Since they eat carrion, dead animal on the road can be a perfect meal for them.

Canned food process is over two centuries old.

Yvon Chuinard (founder of clothing company Patagonia) spent summers eating canned cat food to live as cheaply as possible and pursue his passion of rock climbing full time.

Soda cans have a lining of plastic on the inside to prevent leaching/corrosion and fight against food-borne diseases.

Eating (canned) food from dented cans can give you botulism.

The first can openers were invented almost fifty years after canned food

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Canned Food. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Canned Food so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor