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Buenos Aires facts

While investigating facts about Buenos Aires Weather and Buenos Aires Airport, I found out little known, but curios details like:

In response to a Buenos Aires audience behaving terribly toward an all-female opening act, Nirvana decided to play a purposely-awful set including many unpopular songs. Cobain also started two songs with the riff from "Smells Like Teen Spirit" before stopping and playing something else.

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In December 2014, Argentina became the first country to recognize a non-human primate as having legal rights when it ruled that an orangutan named Sandra at the Buenos Aires Zoo must be moved to a sanctuary in Brazil in order to provide her "partial or controlled freedom."

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what time zone is buenos aires. Here are 49 of the best facts about Buenos Aires Arena and Buenos Aires Ciudad I managed to collect.

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  1. The outbreak of WW2 occurred during the 1939 Chess Olympiad in Buenos Aires, which lead to a majority of the top European chess players permanently residing in Argentina, including all the five members of the team representing Nazi Germany.

  2. The first time in history that fingerprints were used to convict a person of a crime was in 1892 in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

  3. Pope Francis lives a life of humility. He rode the bus when he was Archbishop of Buenos Aires, and lived in a simple apartment. He flew to Rome on economy class when he was elected as the Pope.

  4. In 1813 Juan married the daughter of a wealthy Buenos Aires family Encarnacion Ezcurra.

  5. Houssay was an ambitious learner, and was admitted to pharmacy school in Buenos Aires at only fourteen years of age; he entered the medical school of his university at seventeen.

  6. Italian anarchist Severino Di Giovanni attempted to assassinate President Herbert Hoover and bombed the American embassy and headquarters of Citibank/Bank of Boston in Buenos Aires in response to the execution of Sacco and Vanzetti in 1927.

  7. Buenos Aires Means "good air" and Living Up To Its Name It Has Some of the Least Polluted Air in the World

  8. On July 20th each year Buenos Aires celebrates Friend's Day.

  9. Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti, two Italian anarchists who were executed for murder in Massachusetts in 1927; widely believed to be innocent, their execution triggered protests and riots as far away as Buenos Aires, Tokyo, and Johannesburg.

  10. He made the physiology program at the University of Buenos Aires Medicine School into a very highly decorated and respected research department until a military dictatorship kept him from his posts because of his liberal ideas.

buenos aires facts
What is the population of buenos aires?

Buenos Aires data charts

For your convenience take a look at Buenos Aires figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

buenos aires fact data chart about Where do cars get robbed in Buenos Aires?
Where do cars get robbed in Buenos Aires?

buenos aires fact data chart about During the weekends, crime on Buenos Aires' city is higher a
During the weekends, crime on Buenos Aires' city is higher around nightclubs

What is true about buenos aires?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

He was appointed to the chair of physiology at the University of Buenos Aires Medicine School in 1919.

The Guy Williams (Professor John Robinson of Lost in Space) was born Armando Joseph Catalano, an Italian-American who first achieved fame as Zorro in Disney's TV serial. After Lost in Space he became a popular TV star in Argentina and retired to Buenos Aires in the 1980s. - source

Following the British invasions Juan's family left Buenos Aires and moved to their ranch where Juan learned to run the property and control the workers, called gauchos.

July 9 Avenue in Buenos Aires is the world's widest street. One full city block in width, it has 14 lanes plus two parallel streets of two lanes each. All intersections have traffic lights and pedestrians need two or three green lights to cross the avenue.

In 1827 he organized a fight against the Unitarians who controlled Buenos Aires.

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Argentina has the most psychologists per capita in the world. There are so many therapists in Buenos Aires that one neighborhood is called Villa Freud.

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Argentina's capital city is Buenos Aires, with a population of almost 13 million people.

During the 40 day invasion of Buenos Aires in 1806 when Juan was 13, he helped his side by delivering ammunition to the soldiers. The British were defeated.

When he lived in Buenos Aires and prior to his priest days, Pope Francis worked as a bouncer in a bar.

30 tons of Dog poop get left on the streets of Buenos Aires every day

When Eva Peron died, 8 people were crushed to death and 2,000 people were hospitalized trying to pay their respects. Within a day all flower shops in Buenos Aires had run out of stock.

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While "hiding out" in Buenos Aires during the 1950s, Nazi war criminal Josef Mengele lived so openly as to have had his name listed in the phone book and on his front door

Major cities in Argentina include Buenos Aires, Cordoba, Rosario, Mendoza, San Miguel de Tucuman.

Juan Manuel de Rosas took his gauchos and enlisted in the Unitarian Army of Buenos Aires. They helped to save Buenos Aires from the Federalists.

The Spanish spoken in Buenos Aires, Argentina sounds more like southern Italian than Spanish, due to the large number of Italian immigrants in the 19th century.

Nirvana played a show in Buenos Aires in 1992, and they were so mad at people being sexist at an all woman's band before them, that every time they played the next song, they would play the intro to Smells like teen spirit.

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About María del Luján Telpuk, an airport security official in Buenos Aires, Argentina who discovered a person trying to smuggle $790,550 in illegal political campaign contributions from President of of Venezuela Hugo Chávez, she used her fame to become a "Playboy" model

Villa Epecuén, a tourist village that was located in the Buenos Aires Province, Argentina, resurfaced after being underwater for 25 years.

Nirvana played a concert in Buenos Aires where the crowd threw trash and mud on the all-female opening act. Kurt Cobain was so upset, he sabotaged the entire show by playing lesser known songs and teasing 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' without ever playing it.

The first kosher McDonald's was established in 1997 at the Abasto de Buenos Aires mall in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Pope Francis used to Work as a Bouncer in a Buenos Aires Nightclub

Argentinas current president (MAURICIO MACRI) sang Queen's "We will rock you" after winning for Mayor of City of Buenos Aires.

The Pope Used to be a Bouncer at a Nightclub called Buenos Aires Nightclub

The Pope worked as a janitor and a bouncer in Buenos Aires

In La Plata,the capital city of Buenos Aires Argentina, has a roundabout with a park every 6 blocks

In 1994 5 times formula 1 world champion Juan Manuel Fangio challenged buenos aires's traffic bureau personal to a 400 KM race in under 2 and half hours for a law that denied 80 year olds of driving. Following which the bureau made an exception

In Argentina every year catholics form a human wall around Catedral Metropolitana de Buenos Aires in order to protect it from Marxist mobs. No matter how badly beaten the catholics always remain peaceful.

Argentine football club Boca Juniors' colours were decided by them deciding to take the colours of the flag of the next ship to come into the harbour in Buenos Aires. It was a swedish ship so they picked blue and yellow.

The most efficient place to meet up with people that are based in Berlin, Buenos Aires, Austin, Sydney, Tokyo, Liverpool, Stockholm, Toronto, Montreal, Medellin, Rome and Cairo is AMSTERDAM

Britain threatened to nuke Buenos Aires, if France didn’t give them Argentina’s missile codes during the Falklands War

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Buenos Aires. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Buenos Aires so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor