Incredible and fun facts to explore

Bottle Cap facts

While investigating facts about Bottle Cap Challenge and Bottle Cap Gun, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Many of the "Real Facts" printed inside Snapple bottle caps are outdated, incomplete, inaccurate or just plain false.

how bottle caps are made?

In 1993 Pepsi ran a contest in the Philippines in which it promised 1 million pesos, roughly $40,000, to the person who found the number 349 inside his bottle cap. Pepsi went on to mistakenly print 800,000 winning caps, leading to outrage and death threats to Pepsi executives.

What bottle caps are recyclable?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's bottle cap. Here are 37 of the best facts about Bottle Cap Alley and Bottle Caps Candy I managed to collect.

what's bottle cap challenge?

  1. Grateful Dead guitarist Jerry Garcia's autopsy found a bottle cap, a pipe screen, a mascara brush, and a key, in his intestine.

  2. Octopuses have been observed learning how to dismantle Lego structures and open child-proof caps on medicine bottles.

  3. Coca-Cola bottles that have yellow caps are kosher for Passover

  4. Jacqueline Kennedy requested an eternal flame for her husband's grave and that group of Catholic schoolchildren were sprinkling the temporary flame with holy water. The cap came off the bottle and water poured onto the flame, putting it out.

  5. Bottles often had round bottoms prior to the invention of the metal bottle cap to prevent upright storage

  6. During Passover Coca-Cola and some other drinks have yellow bottle caps to distinguish them as kosher.

  7. Tennessee Williams, famous 20th century playwright and author of The Glass Menagerie, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, and A Streetcar Named Desire, choked to death from inhaling the plastic cap of a bottle of nasal spray.

  8. The caps for PETE bottles (water and soda bottle containers) are made from a type of plastic which is not recyclable.

  9. Playwright Tennessee Williams used to apply his eye drops while leaning backwards while he holding the bottle cap in his teeth. One day he accidentally swallowed the cap and this is what killed him.

  10. Allegheny woodrat also collects sticks and debris near the nest and creates large piles called "middens" that are used for storing of food. Bottle caps, band aids, coins, snail shells, feathers, bones and gun cartridges can be occasionally found in the middens. Scientists do not have explanation for the accumulation of these unusual items.

bottle cap facts
What to do with plastic bottle caps?

Bottle Cap data charts

For your convenience take a look at Bottle Cap figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

bottle cap fact data chart about Caps from bottles consumed in my house over the last year so
Caps from bottles consumed in my house over the last year sorted by brewery/company of origin and color. Is this kind of data allowed?

bottle cap fact data chart about Collected beer bottle caps during my semester in Italy
Collected beer bottle caps during my semester in Italy

Why bottle caps in fallout?

You can easily fact check why bottle cap challenge started by examining the linked well-known sources.

Anti-Semitism damaged sales when a German competitor stole some kosher Coke bottle caps and urged consumers to avoid the "Jewish American" drink. To counter this, Coke's German branch passed out sodas at Hitler Youth rallies and displayed huge swastikas at bottling conventions.

In 2005, bottle caps were used as a form of 'currency' in Cameroon. - source

In 2005 beer bottle caps were used as currency in parts of Cameroon, do to a promotion frenzy by rival breweries. - source

Abyssinian cat requires constant stimulation via various games, puzzle toys, ping-pong balls, bottle caps and teasers. Otherwise, it becomes depressive or destructive (as a result of boredom).

Bottle caps were lined with cork until the late 1960s. - source

When was the bottle cap invented?

Hermit crabs are using trash as shells. They curl up inside discarded plastic bottle caps.

How bottle cap challenge started?

Coca-Cola made an inspirational ad where they made a phone booth wherein underpaid international workers (passport-witheld slaves) in Dubai could pay for international calls in a Coke phone booth using bottle caps as currency.

Playwright Tennessee Williams died from accidentally inhaling a plastic bottle cap that he was using to take barbiturates

POGs date back to the 1920s when milk bottles used cardboard caps, played with by children

Most places in the US don't actually accept bottle caps because they are made of different plastic than the bottles.

Bottle cap infographics

Beautiful visual representation of Bottle Cap numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

bottle cap fact infographic about Beverage consumption shown by bottle caps

Beverage consumption shown by bottle caps

bottle cap fact infographic about beer cap "bar" chart - the distribution of bottled beers I'v

beer cap "bar" chart - the distribution of bottled beers I've consumed over the last 2.5 years

When did the bottle cap challenge start?

The Netherlands have built the world's first bike path made from recycled plastic. It took the equivalent of 500,000 bottle caps or 218,000 plastic cups to make.

Tennessee Williams choked to death on a bottle cap.

There is a Buddhist temple made from over a million recycled beer bottles and has large murals made of caps.

How To Make A Fidget Spinner Out Of Bottle Caps

How bottle cap challenge?

Bottle caps (for glass bottles) are called "Crown Corks"

David Tran, founder of Huy Fong Foods Sriracha, chose a green cap for the bottles to represent a fresh chili stem.

Sharon and Ozzy Osbourne deliberately cut the power to Iron Maiden's band several times, and played chants of "Ozzy Ozzy" over the loudspeaker while bands seated in the front row threw eggs, bottle caps and ice. Sharon went on stage and called Dickinson a "prick" before being booed off of stage.

American playwright Tennessee Williams choked to death on a plastic bottle cap.

Bottle caps (for glass bottles) are called crown corks.

In 1983 diabetic Richard Vlk won over $20,000 from Pepsi by spelling his last name 1,393 times with Pepsi bottle caps

The cap on these pill bottles can be flipped in order to help people with arthritis open them easily

The reason that nearly all American products have 2-3 layers of tamperproof packaging (such as plastic over the cap, or a seal over the bottle under the cap) all comes down to the Tylenol murders in 1982, when Americans suddenly realised that anyone could tamper with the food chain and kill you

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Bottle Cap. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Bottle Cap so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor