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Blog Post facts

While investigating facts about Blog Post Ideas and Blog Post Examples, I found out little known, but curios details like:

In 2014, a teacher and Education Blogger was fired for writing a blog post about homophones. The staff said he was fired because people would think the post had something to do with homosexuality.

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Gender reveal parties only became popular after a 2008 blog post, and the blogger now regrets popularizing the idea

What should my first blog post be about?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what does a blog post look like. Here are 19 of the best facts about Blog Post Template and Blog Post Ideas For Beginners I managed to collect.

what makes a good blog post?

  1. In 2004, a woman engaged to a video game programmer anonymously vented her frustrations about her fiancé's brutal 85-hour work week in a single blog post which eventually led to three class action lawsuits and a $14.9M judgement against the company he worked for.

  2. In 2005 a blogger named Simon Ng blogged about his sister's ex-boyfriend coming over 3 hours before the ex murdered him and his sister. His final blog post led police to apprehend their murderer.

  3. False copies of the game Cross Days were spread on the internet and contained a virus that would ask the user for personal information before posting their browsing history to a blog. The user could have it removed if they admitted to pirating. The virus was outlined in the false game’s TOS.

  4. The PR department at Fox News used fake accounts to counter negative blog posts written about it.

  5. In 2006, Elon Musk wrote public blog post revealing his 'master' plan - which is now a reality today.

  6. A Tennessee State Trooper was fired after he watched porn on his patrol car laptop, received a blowjob from a porn star, recorded it, and asked her to post it on her blog so his buddies would believe him.

  7. In January 2012, Google's Webspam team penalized the Chrome Browser's homepage for manipulating PageRank with purchased blog posts. The penalty dropped Chrome's homepage's PageRank from 9 to 7 and knocked Chrome off of the first page for important keywords such as "browser."

  8. A sports writer posted a blog about his life and death and made the blog available the day he committed suicide.

  9. In July 2009, FAIL Blog posted a screenshot of the Guinness record webpage for "Most Individuals Killed in a Terrorist Attack". It was accompanied with a "Break this record" link

  10. Convert Blogger to Static Website 2018 update | No Blog Posts

blog post facts
What should your first blog post be about?

Why is it important to post to a blog regularly?

You can easily fact check i wrote a blog post about why i hate video games by examining the linked well-known sources.

A woman from Colorado is the foreigner with the most Muay Thai fights in Thailand. 257 at the time of this post. Her goal is to break the record of 470 total fights and document every moment on her blog, youtube channel, and in training sessions with Muay Thai legends.

A woman from Colorado is the foreigner with the most Muay Thai fights in Thailand. 257 at the time of this post. Her goal is to break the record of 470 total fights and document every moment on her blog, youtube channel, and in training sessions with Muay Thai legends. - source

A rheumatologist wrote a blog post about Keith Richards' fingers and arthritis. In fear that Richards would take offense, the author ended the post with links to merchandise and a recommendation for Richards' book. - source

The Onion site ClickBait published a blog article titled "The Time I Spent On A Commercial Whaling Ship Totally Changed My Perspective On The World" - the post is the entire text of "Moby Dick."

TodayILearned post rule: "News and any sources (blog, article, press release, video, etc.) more recent than two months are not allowed." - source

What to do when blog post?

An employee at the millennial digital news publication Mic lied about going to a funeral and took time off of work to go build a treehouse. His bosses found out about it later because he wrote and tweeted a blog post on Medium entitled "“How to Lose Your Mind and Build a Treehouse."

How to write a blog post?

The new guitarist in New York's Like Herding Cats was originally a fan of the band who wrote a review of their EP on his blog. [X-Post]

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Blog Post. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Blog Post so important!

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