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Beach Ca facts

While investigating facts about Beach Captions and Beach Cart, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Malibu, CA homeowners erect fake "No Parking" signs to keep beach-goers away, but legally parked cars get real tickets.

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The Goodyear Blimp is the official bird of Redondo Beach, CA.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's in myrtle beach south carolina. Here are 11 of the best facts about Beach Cafe and Beach Camera I managed to collect.

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  1. There are four artificial islands built to tap into oil in the San Pedro Bay, just off the coast from Long Beach, CA. The oil refineries have facades that look like buildings to hid the drilling equipment.

  2. In the city of Manhattan Beach, CA, it is illegal to sell a comic book to someone under 18 "which deals in substantial part with crimes of force, violence, passion, lust, immorality or bloodshed"

  3. Falcons were used to keep sea gulls away from Poche Beach, CA to reduce fecal contamination of water.

  4. There is a decommissioned, concrete ship that served a brief tenure as a venue while sunken just outside of Seacliff State Beach in Aptos, CA

  5. Seal Beach, CA has a luxury jail with amenities that include flat-screen TVs, a computer room and new beds.

  6. Joe Gold, Founder of Gold's Gym in Venice Beach, CA, Sold His Gym And The Rights To Use His Name Before It Became World Famous For A Grand Total of $15,000 Because It Was Never Profitable, Even Though He Had Arnold Schwarzenegger Attracting Crowds To Watch Him Work Out.

  7. A glowing mannequin in an amusement park fun house in Long Beach, CA was discovered to be the mummified human remains of Elmer McCurdy, an outlaw who had been killed by police in a shootout 65 years earlier.

  8. During WWII, the Japanese in Laguna Beach, CA weren't put in internment camps, instead they voluntarily gave all their possessions and wealth away because they were really nice

  9. Balboa Island in Newport Beach, CA has some of the most expensive real estate in North America outside of Manhattan, with water view lots costing upwards of $3,000,000,000.

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This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Beach Ca. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Beach Ca so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor