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Apartment Complexes facts

While investigating facts about Apartment Complexes Near Me and Apartment Complexes Long Island, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Africa's tallest apartment complex has a dark central void space, its first 3 stories filled up with accumulated garbage - it has also "developed a reputation for defenestrations – accidents, suicides and otherwise."

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Apartment complexes can now scan DNA in dog droppings to identify the dog and the owner who doesn't clean up behind it

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what do apartment complexes look for on credit report. Here are 24 of the best facts about Apartment Complexes For Sale Near Me and Apartment Complexes In Boston I managed to collect.

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  1. A man, disfigured from a self-inflicted shotgun blast to the face, set fire to apartment complex after management requested that he would stop masturbating in front of windows and open doors

  2. Sparrow-sized birds called Sociable Weavers create enormous nesting structures that act like avian apartment complexes, housing families by the hundreds. The nests stay cool in summer and warm in winter. Nests are also occupied by barbets, tits, lovebirds, finches, and the Pygmy Falcon.

  3. In 1939, Hitler started construction on a 20,000 unit resort called Prora. It was eventually abandoned as WWII progressed. In 2013, a company called Metropole Marketing bought the rights to refurbish Prora and build it up as luxury summer homes and a full-time apartment complex.

  4. The former stadium for the Indianapolis Indians was converted into a baseball-style apartment complex

  5. In 2013 residents of an apartment complex in China found out that a man had built a two-story mountain atop the complex. It had took him six years to do so and, apparently, nobody noticed. Police dismantled it.

  6. In 1976 an Aeroflot pilot intentionally crashed the airplane he was flying into the apartment complex where his ex-wife lived. He died, together with another 10 people, but the ex-wife wasn't killed.

  7. In 2010, a computer virus targeted Iran's nuclear centrifuges, causing one-fifth of them to tear themselves apart at high speed. It is thought that a western government was responsible due to the high cost and complexity of developing the virus.

  8. The city of Dearborn, MI once owned an apartment complex in Clearwater, FL. It was open to seniors who lived in Dearborn for at least a decade.

  9. In 2009 with shoddy building practices a 13 story apartment complex fell over but surprisingly was intact albeit sideways.

apartment complexes facts
What do apartment complexes look for?

Why do apartment complexes raise rent?

You can easily fact check why do apartment complexes change management by examining the linked well-known sources.

The 4.5 km long Prora which was built by Hitler and occupied by three different parties in WWII, is now a hotel, an apartment complex and shops.

Each year the Seattle Office of Civil Rights tests a selection of apartment complexes for evidence of illegal discrimination. 124 properties were tested in 2014 and two-thirds failed - source

The Waldspirale (forest spiral) is a residential building complex in Darmstadt, Germany, built in the 1990s. The windows of the Waldspirale, which number over 1000, are all unique: no two windows are the same. Similarly, different handles are attached in each apartment to the doors and windows. - source

Berlusconi, former Italian Prime Minister, became a media giant by setting up a private cable TV only residents of the apartment complex he built near Milan could watch. He then expanded to national broadcasting, even though at the time this was illegal for private entities.

The Octogon entrance to an insane asylum from the New York City Lunatic Asylum from the 1800s is now part of an apartment complex in the exact same area. - source

When do apartment complexes have specials?

Monica Lewinsky hid in her mothers apartment in the Watergate complex for the initial month after the scandal broke.

How to invest in apartment complexes?

Deira Islands, located in Dubai, UAE, "is a scaled-back version of the Palm Deira which will be home to 16 residential buildings, two hotels and two service apartment complexes covering an area of nine million square feet - equivalent to the size of 118 international-standard football fields."

Arsenal's Highbury Stadium was converted into a luxury apartment complex after their move to Emirates Stadium. I love that they kept the player's tunnel that leads into the communal garden which used to be the pitch. Here in the states, we just tear down old stadiums and build offices.

Guatemala is building an entirely 'private city' - envisioned as a crime-free oasis, it features a walled complex including "apartments, shops, nightclubs, boutiques and restaurants"

There is a luxury apartment complex in Los Angeles located on Vine Street that houses 6 of the top 15 Vine stars in the world

Spite houses, which were buildings made or heavily modified for the sole purpose of irritating one’s neighbors or potential buyers. One spite was a 4-story high apartment complex that only stood 5-feet-deep, and was made to spite a buyer who offered 1/5th of its actual price.

Interesting facts about apartment complexes

"Heil Honey, I'm Home". A sitcom about the life of Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun in an apartment complex as Adolf tries to get around a peace treaty, impress the British Prime Minister, and live with his Jewish neighbors. It was cancelled after one episode.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Apartment Complexes. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Apartment Complexes so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor