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Antibiotic Resistance facts

While investigating facts about Antibiotic Resistance Definition and Antibiotic Resistance Mechanisms, I found out little known, but curios details like:

A medieval English recipe was found to cure MRSA, an infection characterized by a resistance to antibiotics. It consists of wine, garlic, leek, and oxgall standing in a brass vessel for nine days. Each step "was crucial for its efficacy".

how antibiotic resistance occurs?

Scientists recreated a 9th century onion and garlic eye remedy from an Anglo-Saxon manuscript, and found that it killed 90% of antibiotic-resistant staph bacteria (MRSA).

What causes antibiotic resistance?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is antibiotic resistance and how does it occur. Here are 50 of the best facts about Antibiotic Resistance Articles and Antibiotic Resistance Statistics I managed to collect.

what's antibiotic resistance?

  1. Chick-fil-A last year began using chicken raised without antibiotics to reduce the spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria

  2. Antibiotic resistance could lead to over 10 million death per year which could make it a bigger problem than cancer

  3. 80% of antibiotics in the U.S. are given to farm animals, and 80% of pig farms, sheep farms, and cattle feedlots use low levels of antibiotics in feed and water. Evidence shows staph bacteria can pass from humans to pigs, evolve resistance to antibiotics, and then pass back into humans.

  4. Alexander Fleming predicted the rise antibiotic resistance in his 1945 Nobel Prize speech

  5. During his Nobel Prize speech, Alexander Fleming warned about the potential for antibiotic resistance with improper use of Penicillin

  6. The brains of cockroaches carry some serious antibiotics, strong enough to slaughter bacteria that have evolved resistance to the hospital antibiotics we humans use

  7. Alexander Fleming warned that misuse of antibiotics could lead to resistant bacteria during his Nobel Prize acceptance speech for discovering Penicillin

  8. About bacteriophage therapy — a possible solution to antibiotic resistance bacteria that has been used successfully in Eastern Europe for years. It uses cocktails of phage viruses that can infect specific “bad” bacteria with remarkable accuracy, but cannot infect humans.

  9. 3% of randomly swabbed meat from grocery stores contains methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). A direct result from the over-use of antibiotics in farming.

  10. The US FDA has consistently identified antibiotic resistant bacteria in supermarket meat

antibiotic resistance facts
What is antibiotic resistance gene?

Why antibiotic resistance occurs?

You can easily fact check why antibiotic resistance is bad by examining the linked well-known sources.

Honey can clear up infected surgical wounds and promotes healing in infected wounds that don't respond to the conventional antibiotics, including wounds infected with methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA).

80% of the antibiotics sold in the US are used in the meat industry. This will be detrimental for the consumers since bacteria will be more resistant towards the antibiotics and may lead to a "superbug outbreak" in OUR population. - source

Researchers found that half of the 90 beverages from soda fountain machines test positive for fecal bacteria, antibiotic-resistant microbes and E.coli. - source

80% of antibiotics are used on livestock instead of people, raising the risk for bacterial resistance against antibiotics

There is a strain of incurable, antibiotic resistant gonorrhea and that it is on the rise - source

What happens when antibiotic resistance happens?

AGG01, a peptide found in the breast milk of the Tammar wallaby that's 100 times more effective than penicillin in killing antibiotic resistant 'superbugs' such as MRSA.

How antibiotic resistance happens?

Bacteria viruses or "phages" which were once used to treat infection before antibiotics, are once again being used to treat resistant superbugs

Fossilized human feces from 14th century contained antibiotic resistance genes

Honey is a very promising antimicrobial agent against the infection of antibiotic-resistant bacteria (e.g., MDR S. maltophilia) and in the treatment of chronic wound infections that do not respond to antibiotic therapy.

About Phage Therapy, a powerful type of medical therapy that can cure even the most antibiotic-resistant bugs without impacting other beneficial bacteria that was ignored by Western Medicine until now.

What does it mean when antibiotic resistance?

Antibiotics do not degrade, which means that a human that consumes animal products raised with antibiotics is also ingesting antibiotics. This is a major health concern in regards to the risk of humans becoming resistant to antibiotics.

Consumer Reports sampled hundreds of pork products. They found that most contained potentially harmful bacteria including many with antibiotic resistant strains.

Antibiotics do nothing to cure the common cold... Antibiotics act against bacterias and not viruses which cause common cold but still majority of the population are presrcibed antibiotics which will only lead to increased drug resistant bacteria

Over Consumption of antibiotics in chicken feed has created super strains of Salmonella that are 41% of the time resistant to Ampicillin (among other common antibiotics)

Cigarette smoke makes antibiotic-resistant superbugs more aggressive

How antibiotic resistance develops?

Bacteria play rock-paper-scissors (RPS). Three strains of E. coli produce colicin, an antibiotic (C), are sensitive to it (S), or are resistant to it (R). They out-compete each other in RPS fashion (C beats S beats R beats C), which creates a dynamic equilibrium that promotes biodiversity.

A 1,000 year old therapy was able to successfully treat infections caused by bacteria that are resistant to many modern antibiotics

Scientists are using a new drug as an alternative to antibiotics to specifically fight against drug resistance

The first genetically modified plant produced was antibiotic-resistant tobacco.

There is a £10 million prize open for anyone who can design a test for antibiotic resistance.

That in most parts of Africa, antibiotics are available almost everywhere, sold or purchased by almost anyone and that there are no regulations nor guidelines in place for prescribers causing mass antibiotic resistance.

The process the meat industry uses is creating antibiotic-resistant bacteria

Harvard is breeding superbugs and tracking how resistant they are to antibiotics

We give our livestock 30 million pounds of antibiotics annually in an age of increasing pathogen resistance

About the MRSA Super Bug - Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus. A variant of the very common Staph bacteria that is present on most humans. The variant causes serious infections in humans, leading to heart valve complication, sepsis or death, and is highly resistant to many antibiotics.

Antibiotic Resistance- an emerging threat to public health

Pollution can create antibiotic resistance

There is a virus that kills drug resistant superbugs and is being considered as an alternative for antibiotics

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Antibiotic Resistance. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Antibiotic Resistance so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor